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We use a dynamic general equilibrium model to study a climate-oriented monetary policy in the form of emission-based interest rates set by the central bank. Liquidity costs of banks increase with the emission intensity of their asset portfolio, leading banks to favor low-carbon assets and to...
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This paper examines the pass-through of European Central Bank (ECB) monetary policy to deposit rates in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). We use aggregate and bank-level data to study interest rate pass-through by bank size and ownership for the period 2012-2023. In extensions, we also study...
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This paper studies the evolution of the natural interest rate in five Southeast Asian countries and considers the effect of economic shocks on the natural interest rate in these countries. The natural interest rate is the interest rate that would prevail in an economy in equilibrium and in the...
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My paper, “Does the Fed control interest rates?” is in the 2013 Review of Asset Pricing Studies (Volume 3, pp. 180-199). The paper finds that the Fed controls the Federal Funds (FF) rate (the overnight rate on interbank borrowing of reserves). Other short-term rates are related to FF, but...
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We examine the economic consequences of an interest-bearing design of the Central-Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), and extend the discussion to an open-economy context with trade and capital flows. We use a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model to simulate a baseline scenario with...
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Abstract Negative interest rates policies (NIRP), usually depicted in economic textbooks as an impossibility due to the prospect of infinite demand for money, are now a reality in several countries due to different reasons. But while the ZLB has been surpassed when it comes to Central Banks, it...
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This paper traces the history of China's reform of its monetary policy framework and analyzes its success and problems. In the context of financial marketization and the failure of the quantity-targeting framework, the People's Bank of China transformed its monetary policy framework toward one...
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Using indirect inference based on a VAR we confront US data from 1972 to 2007 with a standard New Keynesian model in which an optimal timeless policy is substituted for a Taylor rule. We find the model explains the data both for the Great Acceleration and the Great Moderation. The implication is...
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Refet Gürkaynak, Brian Sack, and Eric Swanson (2005) provide empirical evidence that long forward nominal rates are overly sensitive to monetary policy shocks, and that this is consistent with a model where long-term inflation expectations are not anchored because agents must infer the central...
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