Showing 1 - 10 of 205
This paper presents a critical assessment of the widely discussed concept of Islamic Economics. The two different interpretations of Islamic economics as the study of the functioning of an interest-free economy and the validity of moral values in the economy are discussed. It is shown that none...
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Even as the BBA model has not made a complete exit from Islamic home financing, the musharkah mutanaqisa partnership (MMP) model is fast gaining popularity with the jurists and the bankers alike as a truly interest free alternative. This paper reproduces our earlier evidence that the MMP model...
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This paper examines the economic origins of the Islamic revival that took place in Egypt in the 1970-80s, and in Muslim societies more generally. We provide the first systematic evidence of a decline in social mobility among educated youth in Egypt. Developing a behavioral model of religion, we...
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Economic violence represents a state of control over an individual capacity to obtain, utilize and keep up economic assets. The current study investigates the prevalence of economic violence among women of the socioeconomically backward Muslim minority community by taking a sample of 387 women...
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This paper examines the economic origins of the Islamic revival that took place in Egypt in the 1970-80s, and in Muslim societies more generally. We provide the first systematic evidence of a decline in social mobility among educated youth in Egypt. Developing a behavioral model of religion, we...
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This paper presents a critical assessment of the widely discussed concept of Islamic Economics. The two different interpretations of Islamic economics, as the study of the functioning of an interest-free economy, and the validity of moral values in the economy are discussed. It is shown that...
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development of urban areas in relation to commerce, hospitality, religious and imperial patronage in early modern, Safavid Iran (c …, geopolitical and economic issues facing seventeenth century Safavid Iran shaping both urban form and commercial focus. These are … hospitality in early modern Iran and invites further consideration of the development of capitalism outside of Eurocentric …
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Die Arbeit gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung des Iran in den vergangenen fünf … die Wirtschaftspolitik im Iran aus dem Zusammenspiel beider Ebenen zu erklären. Als Resultat ergibt sich eine Darstellung … der neueren Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Iran, die nicht nur die spezifischen ökonomischen Probleme dieses geplagten Landes …
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