Showing 1 - 10 of 27
Azerbaijan, Turkey, Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in addition to research, technology development and production partner countries ' Innovation structures sharing with R&D Center in technoparks, thanks to the advanced technology and...
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To determine legal limits of municipality's power in private relationsanalysis of legislationOn one hand Municipalities are entities of public law and take part in various types of relations, on the other hand municipalities act as a quasi-legal entity and enter into private legal relations ,...
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Изучены особенности совместного превращения метанола и бутана и показана возможность регулирования продуктов распределения.синтез катализаторов на основе...
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Corruption undermines economic development and therefore it is one of the major factors hindering economic growth and political stability, especially in the developing countries. Studies in recent years show that countries with rich natural resources have the potential to shape corruption....
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Synthesis of new types of synthetic oils and research of their operational properties.Synthesis of new esters of vicinal dicarboxylic acids with a variety of alcohols by esterification.Application as a basis or component of lubricating oils.
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The influence of different parameters of reaction between cyclopentadiene and n-heptyl alcohol have been investigatedThe synthesis of novel syntons for lubricants - diheptylcyclopentadiene habve been carried out.The synthesis of diheptylcyclopentadiene have been carried out with good yield and...
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The research is based on the natural disasters in Pakistan, and their overall impact on the economy of Pakistan. Disasters are hypothesized to have a significant effect on the GDP of Pakistan. Moreover, Pakistan is considered as a disaster prone nation due to its geographical location. Pakistan...
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Разработка новых экологически безопасных технологий выделения нефти из нефтенасыщенных земель.Обработка нефтенасыщенной земли под давлением водорода и...
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В настоящее время в Азербайджане проводятся широкие исследования в области создания и применения ингибиторов коррозии. Одним из удобных и широко...
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Previous studies have a key limitation inasmuch as they did not assess the influence of community social capital on coping strategies of households with the effects of financial crisis. It is unclear, therefore, to what extent households were able to utilize the existing community social capital...
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