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This Final Report presents the outcome of the “Thematic global evaluation of the Commission support to decentralisation … processes”. The Evaluation was commissioned by the DG DEVCO Evaluation Unit and was implemented between January 2010 and … February 2012. The purpose of the evaluation is to identify key relevant lessons and to provide recommendations to help ensure …
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This final report presents the outcome of the “Thematic evaluation of EC support to the health sector”. It was … commissioned by the Evaluation Unit of DG DEVCO and implemented between January 2011 and May 2012. The evaluation provides an … within the health sector. The evaluation ultimately aims at identifying relevant key lessons, in order to provide …
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The evaluation of the Commission’s co-operation with the Philippines is part of the 2009 evaluation programme as … evaluation are: to provide the relevant external co-operation services of the European Commission and the wider public with an …
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The present report is an evaluation of the projects aiming at the abolition of the death penalty (ADP), financed under … the European Initiative on Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR). The evaluation, undertaken between November 2006 and …,394,150. The evaluation’s overall objective is “to help the European Commission to improve the impact of EIDHR projects supporting …
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those in Indonesia, have relied more on government intervention and credit channeling than the self-reliant intermediation …
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