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This paper examines quantile dependence and directional predictability between the foreign exchange market and the stock market in Korea. Instead of adopting a multivariate model such as a vector autoregressive model, a multivariate GARCH model or a combination of both models, we apply the...
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We study the stock return comovements from two different perspectives, one being trading behaviour-induced return comovements and the other volatility-induced return comovements. Following Baker and Wurglur (2006), we construct an investor sentiment index and examine whether it has relationship...
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In this study, we examine the spillover of Bitcoin’s jumps and diffusive variations to traditional assets using high frequency data. For our cross-asset study, we detect positive spillovers from Bitcoin to risk assets and negative spillovers to defensive assets. We also find evidence of...
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In this study, we examine the cross-excitation effects of Bitcoin’s jumps and diffusive variations on traditional asset classes using high frequency data. For our cross-asset study, we detect the presence of positive jump spillovers from Bitcoin to risk assets and negative jump spillovers from...
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This work quantifies the financial and macroeconomic effects of the most significant Brexit events from 23 June 2016 up to 31 December 2019 for fifteen economies. The study uses high-frequency data and shows that following the referendum outcome, overall the 10-year government bond yield of the...
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The paper develops a novel realized matrix-exponential stochastic volatility model of multivariate returns and realized covariances that incorporates asymmetry and long memory (hereafter the RMESV-ALM model). The matrix exponential transformation guarantees the positivedefiniteness of the...
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Identifying risk spillovers in financial markets is of great importance for assessing systemic risk and portfolio management. Granger causality in tail (or in risk) tests whether past extreme events of a time series help predicting future extreme events of another time series. The topology and...
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This paper introduces technological interdependence à la Ertur and Koch (Growth, technological interdependence and spatial externalities: Theory and evidence. Journal of Applied Econometrics 2007; 22: 1023-1062) into the theoretical framework of Gennaioli et al. (Human capital and regional...
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Empirical research confirms the existence of volatility spillovers across national stock markets. However, the models in use are mostly statistical ones. Much less is known about the actual transmission mechanisms; theoretical literature is scarce, and so is empirical work trying to estimate...
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