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another tax. Results from a randomized field experiment show no evidence of negative spillovers: increasing the salience of …
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legally a tax. We design a randomized field experiment with treatments informing individuals that the levy is a tax. We …
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This study analyzes the impact of tax complexity on the location of tax employees and tax risk. Using a hand-collected dataset of more than 7,500 tax employees from 348 European-listed multinationals, we identify two types of firm-level costs associated with tax complexity-tax employees, and tax...
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We study experimentally how taxpayers choose between two tax regimes to fund a public good. The first-best tax regime imposes a general, distortion-free income tax. However, this tax cannot be enforced. The second-best alternative supplements the income tax by a specific commodity tax. This tax...
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an experiment, in which subjects face repeated trade-offs between monetary gain and honesty. As a source of exogenous …
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It is commonly accepted that state use taxes, most notably those that are due on Internet purchases, are largely unenforceable against individual consumers. Consistent with that view, states have focused their enforcement efforts on forcing retailers to collect those taxes at the point of sale,...
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Citizen tax compliance significantly dictates governmental fiscal capacities. Recognizing this, understanding the determinants of tax compliance remains paramount. While existing literature frequently isolates and tests individual determinants such as audit likelihood, penalty structures, tax...
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This paper begins by contrasting the caricatures "homo and femina economicus" with "homo and femina realitus". Against this backdrop, the paper considers three "apparently falsified" empirical predictions of the standard expected utility model of individual decision-making concerning...
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The article concerns with the subject of studying economic behavior of taxpayers with regard to tax evasion. An overview of theoretic and methodological approaches concerning decision making on the base of rational and behavior principles is given. The methodology of research assumes application...
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We assess the impact of reminder frequency on the probability of paying overdue property taxes in a randomized controlled trial in China. One reminder a week (sent as a text message) considerably increases the probability of tax compliance and results in tangible fiscal gains compared to a...
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