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This paper considers the problem of identification, estimation and inference in the case of spatial panel data models …
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This paper attempts to uncover the empirical relationship between the price-setting/consumer behavior and the sources of persistence in inflation and output. First, a small-scale New-Keynesian model (NKM) is examined using the method of moment and maximum likelihood estimators with US data from...
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We compare the performance of maximum likelihood (ML) and simulated method of moments (SMM) estimation for dynamic discrete choice models. We construct and estimate a simplified dynamic structural model of education that captures some basic features of educational choices in the United States in...
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Japan. Data are drawn from Eurostat. The elaboration of these panel data is made feasible by means of the Eviews software …
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We develop an econometric methodology to infer the path of risk premia from large unbalanced panel of individual stock … for the usual unconditional four-factor model capturing market, size, value and momentum effects. large panel, factor …
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This paper builds on the work of Acemoglu et al. (2012) and considers a production network with unobserved common technological factor and establishes general conditions under which the network structure contributes to aggregate fluctuations. It introduces the notions of strongly and weakly...
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This paper explores the existence and importance of financing constraints for R&D investments in large EU and US manufacturing companies over the 2000-2007 period. The main results obtained by estimating error-correction equations suggest that the sensitivity of R&D investments to cash flow...
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all units in the panel receive treatment but at random times. We make four novel points about identification and …
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Researchers are often interested in estimating the causal effect of some treatment on individual criminality. For example, two recent relatively prominent papers have attempted to estimate the respective direct effects of marriage and gang participation on individual criminal activity. One...
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. This approach identifies R0 in a panel regression model by filtering out the effects of mitigating factors on disease …
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