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Nothing is more common in moral debates than to invoke the names of great thinkers from the past. Business ethics is no exception. Yet insofar as business ethicists have tended to simply mine abstract formulas from the past, they have missed out on the potential intellectual gains in...
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America is in distress. We have been going from one crisis to another. Here are just a few: the savings and loan debacle which began in the 1980s; accounting fraud and financial irregularities scandals that involved such firms as Enron, Adelphia, Tyco International, Global Crossings, and led to...
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Douglass North gehört zu den führenden Sozialwissenschaftlern des 20. Jahrhunderts.Er wurde für seine bahnbrechenden Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der ökonomischenGeschichtstheorie mit dem Nobelpreis ausgezeichnet. Dieser Aufsatz rekonstruiert (a)seine kliometrische Diagnose der Moderne, (b)...
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In the field of business ethics, Adam Smith has generally been viewed with a measure of suspicion. Smith's famous invocation of the invisible hand - according to which self-interest promotes the greater good - has generally been seen as a fundamental challenge to a discipline committed to the...
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The objective of this article is to analyze the main international legal foundations and foundations that are responsible for protecting the right to inclusive education of people with disabilities. To do this, the theoretical notions concerning people with disabilities, the social model, and...
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In this paper, we analyze the role of ethics and self-interest in Buchanan's explanation for pro-social behaviors. Our main argument is that, to Buchanan, ethics matters and is even necessary to explain pro-social behaviors — narrowly self-interested individuals do not behave pro-socially. We...
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According to social contract theories of morality, right and wrong are nothing more than the agreement among rationally self-interested individuals to give up the unhindered pursuit of their own desires for the security of living in peace. I argue that theism provides a better motivation for...
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Few people think of business ethics as being addressed outside of main-stream business ethics, philosophy and corporate social responsibility circles. This view is in error. Arguably the most prominent philosopher of the last century, Ayn Rand, has provided a philosophy of business that is...
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Academic departmentalization has limited the dimensionality and thus the richness of analysis in the social sciences. The author examines the case of a modem economics as an example. He reviews the ideas of Williamson (2000), who cites the limits of scope in the New Institutional Economics;...
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Drawing on an ordonomic approach, this paper argues that a theory of global justiceshould incorporate as a pivotal cornerstone a theory of corporate citizenship whichconstructively addresses business firms as agents of social value creation. We arguethat, instead of relying exclusively on...
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