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This paper investigates three consequences of the new financial regulation: the agency costs, the monitoring costs and the effect on banks' cost of capital. For the first, the shareholders' behaviour is analysed as a trade-off between the value of the bank and its volatility by using an...
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This work documents the existence of a cointegration relationship between credit spreads, leverage and equity volatility for a large set of US companies. It is shown that accounting for the long-run equilibrium dynamic between these variables is essential to correctly explain credit spread...
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Traditional theories of capital structure imply a consistent relationship between firm profitability and firm leverage. Empirical data, however, suggest that the relationship is not monotonic. In the cross-section of firms, non-profitable firms become significantly more leveraged as losses...
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We investigate the performance of the Deep Hedging framework under training paths beyond the (finite dimensional …) Markovian setup. In particular we analyse the hedging performance of the original architecture under rough volatility models … architectures capable of capturing the non-Markoviantity of time-series. Secondly, we analyse the hedging behaviour in these models …
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Business risk and financial risk are among the most important concepts in corporate finance. The total risk of a corporation is the sum of its business risk and financial risk. Business risk is the risk of the corporation before the financing decision. It is the uncertainty inherent in the...
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We propose a simple idea that corporate debt maturity should serve as a good indicator of future firm performance volatility. We show in a simple two-period model that the riskiness of corporate investment is a decreasing function of corporate debt maturity. If “observable” corporate debt...
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market factors, its volatility and the quality of hedging. The wrong way risk is most significant for exposures highly … CVA hedging strategy. While the benefits from hedging are always magnified in the situation of the wrong way risk, the …
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