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the standard approach, the target firm's expected return and risk are modeled as a parametric curve in terms of a critical … business decision. A general condition is derived for characterizing how a risk-averse or risk-seeking agent may behave … differently from a risk-neutral decision maker. This general theorem is applied to solve several examples that demonstrate the …
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We present a simple discrete-time version of the continuous-time agency model under mean-volatility joint ambiguity uncertainties, which conveniently captures a number of important properties of optimal contracts without having to rely on complex continuous-time mathematical issues. The...
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and exogenous macro risks determine total project cash flow risk. We find: (i) as long as the stochastic volatility cannot …
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, decentralized, linear mechanism) giving the agent control over the resource quantities, project risk, and agent's equity share. The … showing that hurdle rates or transfer prices may not vary with the agent's risk choice.[The SSRN version includes the Internet …
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This paper studies, both theoretically and empirically, the optimal executive compensation when firm performance is a noisy signal of executive’s hidden effort and the volatility of firm performance is stochastic. We build a tractable dynamic principal-agent model and show analytically that...
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This paper studies the choice between building liquidity buffers and raising funding ex post, to deal with liquidity shocks. We uncover the possibility of an inefficient liquidity squeeze equilibrium. Agents typically choose to build smaller liquidity buffers when they expect cheap funding....
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I introduce novel preference formulations which capture aversion to ambiguity about unknown and potentially time-varying volatility. I compare these preferences with Gilboa and Schmeidler’s maxmin expected utility as well as variational formulations of ambiguity aversion. The impact of...
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