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The role of electoral incentives vs. selection is ideally analyzed in a setting where the same legislators are selected to decide on policies under different electoral rules and where voter preferences on policies can be precisely measured. This is the first paper to look at such a situation....
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therefore have a systematic influence on election results. Using administrative migration and voting data, we show that counties … find no effects on incumbent parties. In addition, our results show increased voting for parties with pro …-wing parties. The results have important policy implications for voting regulations. …
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Who will vote quadratically in large-N elections under quadratic voting (QV)? First, who will vote? Although the core …, voting behavior and outcomes would be determined predominately by social and psychological forces, would thereby exhibit few … that require a different research agenda to bring into focus. Some of our analysis also has implications for voting …
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We study communication in committees selecting one of two alternatives when consensus is required and agents have private information about their preferences. Delaying the decision is costly, so a form of multiplayer war of attrition emerges. Waiting allows voters to express the intensity of...
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The common use of majority rule in group decision making is puzzling. In theory, it inequitably favors the proposer, and paradoxically, it disadvantages voters further if they are inequity averse. In practice, however, outcomes are equitable. The present paper analyzes data from a novel...
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We analyze Assessment Voting, a new two-round voting procedure that can be applied to binary decisions in democratic … a costly voting framework, we show that large electorates will choose the preferred alternative of the majority with … high probability, and that average costs will be low. This result is in contrast with the literature on one-round voting …
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recommendations. We find that voting recommendations do indeed matter, implying that even in a secularized world, religion plays a … crucial role in voting decisions. …
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We conduct an experiment in which groups are tasked with evaluating the truth of a set of politically relevant facts and statements, and we investigate whether communication improves information aggregation and the accuracy of group decisions. Our findings suggest that the effect of...
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recommendations. We find that voting recommendations do indeed matter, implying that even in a secularized world, religion plays a … crucial role in voting decisions. …
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A conclave is a voting mechanism in which a committee selects an alternative by voting until a sufficient supermajority … conclave leads to efficiency gains relative to simple majority voting. We also compare welfare properties of a static versus a …
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