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Social health care systems around the world are inevitably confronted with the scarcity of resources and the resulting distributional challenges. Prioritization is applied in almost all countries, implicitly or explicitly, and shapes access to health services. We analyze and compare attitudes...
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We provide a general framework for the analysis of the dynamics of institutional change (e.g., democratization, extension of political rights, or repression of different groups), and how these dynamics interact with (anticipated and unanticipated) changes in the distribution of political power...
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Markovian method) or a multistage procedure of selection and exclusion of the best alternatives, as determined by a majority …
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The purpose of this paper is two-fold. First, we develop the measurement theory of polarization for the case in which asset distributions can be described using density functions. Second, we provide sample estimators of population polarization indices that can be used to compare polarization...
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Florian Dorn erstellte diesen Beitrag während seines Promotionsstudiums an der Universität München (LMU). Die Studie wurde im September 2020 abgeschlossen und von der Fakultät für Volkswirtschaftslehre als Dissertation angenommen. Die Dissertation trägt zur Empirie der Ökonomie des...
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Note: The following is a description of the paper and not the actual abstract as it appeared in the journal. A popular theme in the literature on environmental degradation is that environmental pollution is caused by social inequality. However, there has been little empirical testing of this...
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Voluntary Standard Setting Organizations (SSOs) use a consensus process to create new compatibility standards …
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A growing body of literature studies the effect of providing information about inequality to respondents of surveys on their preferences for redistribution. We provide a meta-analysis combining the results from 84 information treatments coming from 36 studies in Economics, Political Science,...
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Group pressure is a powerful tool at terrorist groups' disposal to uphold its network. The paper presents a behavioral model that explains how the radical leadership sustains group unity by pressuring likely dissidents into conformity. It explains that dissenters face three options. The first is...
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