Showing 1 - 10 of 155
Ethiopia has a large livestock population that performs multiple functions and contributes to food security both directly and indirectly. However, the contribution of the sector to the economy is much less than its potential due to various reasons, one of the important reason lies in the...
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This study evaluates the impact of Heifer International’s livestock donation program in the Copperbelt Province in Zambia. Using a panel data of 300 households and 4 survey rounds, this analysis assesses the impact of dairy cow, meat goat, and draft cattle donation programs on poverty and food...
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Rising agricultural productivity in developing countries is crucial to ease the tension of increased population and haunting concern on food security. Nevertheless the soaring price of fertilizer and sluggish dissemination of improved seed varieties prohibit the poor to tap benefits from...
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A vizsgálatok alapján megállapítható, hogy a magyar baromfi-feldolgozó iparág megfelelően teljesíti mind a hazai, mind az EU-s előírásokat, követelményeket. Az élelmiszerbiztonsági előírásoknak való megfelelés valamennyi érintett vállalkozásban elsődleges szempont. A...
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The aim of this case study is to examine a few of the developing countries which have been particularly successful at developing their poultry sectors and to draw some lessons from these examples about the technologies, policies, and coordinating mechanisms that facilitated the transformation...
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Tras el anuncio realizado por las autoridades británicas en 1996 de una posible conexión entre el «mal de las vacas locas» y la enfermedad humana variante de Creutzfeld-Jakob (vCJ), se generó una crisis en el sector ganadero europeo que obligó a tomar una serie de medidas destinadas a...
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Food Security Research Project (FSRP) et Division des Statistiques Agricoles (DSA); Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Elevage, et des Forets, MINAGRI
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REPUBLIQUE RWANDAISE MINISTERE DE L’AGRICUTURE, DE L’ELEVAGE ET DES FORETS; Food Security Research Project (FSRP) et Division des Statistiques Agricoles (DSA)
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The purpose of this policy synthesis is to document major shifts in output and provide hypotheses about the reasons behind the changes. The paper also documents troubling trends in the traditional agriculture sector, underscoring the need for improved agricultural input and output systems.
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