Showing 1 - 10 of 415
In Germany, the majority of people tend to find work through friends, acquaintances, and relatives when they first enter the labor market or switch jobs. The same applies to immigrants and their offspring. Integrating refugees into the labor market is considered crucial to their overall...
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In Deutschland finden die meisten Personen über FreundInnen, Bekannte und Verwandte eine Beschäftigung, wenn sie erstmals in den Arbeitsmarkt einsteigen oder ihre Anstellung wechseln. Dies gilt auch für MigrantInnen und deren Nachkommen. Geflüchtete in den Arbeitsmarkt einzugliedern wird als...
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Migration movements in the south border of México with Guatemala, has motivated serious social, economic and politic un-stability in both countries. During the last decades of the XX-th century, the sites of the south zone have become in zones with high violence indexes, delinquency and...
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The importance of Long Distance Commuting (LDC) has increased as a result of the continuous reduction of transport costs. This paper formalizes the relationship between LDC and wage through a job search model where a commuting time variable is included. The paper proposes that LDC be compensated...
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The goal of the paper is to provide viewpoints to labour mobility development in the Western Balkans and in Macedonia in particular, since it would be one of the advantages of joining the European Union. The EU integration process of the Western Balkans opens up new dimensions for labour...
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Gravity models have long been popular for analyzing economic phenomena related to the movement of goods and services, capital, or even people; however, data limitations regarding migration flows have hindered their use in this context. With access to improved bilateral (country to country) data,...
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Addressing unauthorized immigration is controversial. Countries have adopted a variety of legalization programs, ranging from temporary visa programs to naturalization. Research in the US focused on past amnesty programs finds improved labor market outcomes for newly legalized immigrants....
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For the first time since the Second World War, the total number of refugees amounts to more than 50 million people. Only a minority of these refugees seek asylum, and even fewer resettle in developed countries. At the same time, politicians, the media, and the public are worried about a lack of...
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Immigrants can initially face significant difficulties integrating into the economy of the host country, due to information gaps about the local labor market, limited language proficiency, and unfamiliarity with the local culture. Settlement in a region where economic and social networks based...
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Evidence suggests that immigrants face an initial decline in their occupational status when they enter the host country labor market but that their position improves as they acquire more country-specific human, cultural, and occupational capital. High-skilled immigrants from countries that are...
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