Showing 1 - 10 of 415
Eltern mit Kindern, die noch nicht zur Schule gehen, stehen bei der Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf vor besonderen Herausforderungen. Um diese Eltern besser zu unterstützen, hat die Politik sowohl den Ausbau von Plätzen in der öffentlichen Kindertagesbetreuung (Kita) forciert als auch ein...
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Frauen sind in Führungspositionen insgesamt noch immer deutlich unterrepräsentiert. Der sogenannte Gender Leadership Gap, also die Differenz zwischen dem Anteil von Frauen an allen abhängig Beschäftigten und dem Anteil von Frauen in hohen Führungspositionen, variiert zwischen einzelnen...
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Women remain grossly underrepresented in management positions in Germany. However, what has been dubbed the gender leadership gap, i.e., the difference between the share of all employees who are women and the share of women in senior management positions, varies considerably across different...
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This empirical study examines how sources of reciprocity are related to work motivation by distinguishing positive and negative work attitudes in practical working environments. We move away from the unidimensional perspective of monetary compensation and investigate employees' reciprocal...
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In most countries, women have a lower level of financial literacy than men on average. This report demonstrates that differences in income and education and less experience in financial matters only provide a partial explanation for the gender gap. Data from various countries show that cultural...
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Frauen haben in den meisten Ländern eine durchschnittlich schlechtere finanzielle Bildung als Männer. Dieser Bericht weist nach, dass Unterschiede im Einkommen und der Bildung sowie geringere Erfahrungen mit Finanzen diesen Gender Gap nur teilweise erklären. Zudem wird mittels Daten aus...
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Migrants’ remittances to developing countries have increased in recent decades, partly due to reduced transactions costs and improved living conditions in host countries. The feminization of international migration represents yet another explanation. Despite the difficulties female migrants...
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Female-led ventures that are market-expanding, export-oriented, and innovative contribute substantially to local and national economic development, as well as to the female entrepreneur’s economic welfare. Female-led ventures also serve as models that can encourage other high-potential female...
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In addition to regular marriage, Australia, Brazil, and 11 US states recognize common law (or de facto) marriage, which allows one or both cohabiting partners to claim, under certain conditions, that an informal union is a marriage. France and some other countries also have several types of...
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Family and kinship networks are important in helping people get jobs and start companies, as statistics for developing countries show. Promising new research has begun to assess the positive and negative effects of these family and kinship ties on entrepreneurial success. To what extent, and...
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