Showing 1 - 10 of 281
Background: Economic evaluation (EE) is a dynamically advancing knowledge area of health economics. It has been conceived to provide evidence for allocating scarce resources to gain the best value for money. The problem of efficiency of investments becomes even more crucial with advances in...
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Background: Managing type 2 diabetes represents a major public health concern due to its important and increasing prevalence. Our study investigates the impact of taking incretin-based medication on the risk of being hospitalized and the length of hospital stay for individuals with type 2...
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Aktuell weisen die Krankenkassen und der Gesundheitsfonds Überschüsse von über 20 Mrd. Euro auf. Für Daniel Bahr, Bundesminister für Gesundheit, eröffnen diese Überschüsse – neben der Abschaffung der Praxisgebühr – Spielräume für Prämien. Die zentrale Herausforderung an eine...
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Klaus-Dirk Henke, TU Berlin und Wolfram Richter, TU Dortmund, identifizieren in ihrem Kommentar gravierende Ordnungsdefizite beim Wettbewerb im deutschen Gesundheitswesen. Sie gehen solchen Defiziten im Bereich der GKV nach und benennen konkrete Mängel, die von der Politik behoben werden sollten.
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The most important economic measures are monetary. They have many different names, are derived in different theories and employ different formulas; yet, they all attempt to do the same thing: to separate a change in nominal value into a 'real part' due to the changes in quantities and an...
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In this paper the author proves that the Expected Net Future Value (ENFV) criterion can lead a risk neutral social planner to reject projects that increase expected utility. By contrast, the Expected Net Present Value (ENPV) rule correctly identifies the economic value of the project. While the...
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Für den Ausgleich von Schwankungen der Stromnachfrage und des Stromangebotes aus erneuerbaren Energien sind Kraftwerke nötig, die auch in kritischen Situationen sicher zur Verfügung stehen. Es wird diskutiert, ob der liberalisierte Strommarkt in der Lage ist, ausreichende Investitionen...
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We consider a (pure) public goods provision problem with voluntary participation in a quasi-linear economy. We propose a new hybrid solution concept, the free-riding-proof core (FRP-Core), which endogenously determines a contribution group, public goods provision level, and how to share the...
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In a moneyless market, a non storable, non transferable homogeneous commodity is reallocated between agents with single-peaked preferences. Agents are either suppliers or demanders. Transfers between a supplier and a demander are feasible only if they are linked, and the links form an arbitrary...
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The prevalent affirmative action policy in school choice limits the number of admitted majority students to give minority students higher chances to attend their desired schools. There have been numerous efforts to reconcile affirmative action policies with celebrated matching mechanisms such as...
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