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We consider the problem of allocating objects to a group of agents and how much agents should pay. Each agent receives at most one object and has non-quasi-linear preferences. Non-quasi-linear preferences describe environments where payments influence agents' abilities to utilize objects or...
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We analyze a divisible good uniform‐price auction that features two groups, each with a finite number of identical bidders, who compete in demand schedules. In the linear‐quadratic‐normal framework, this paper presents conditions under which the unique equilibrium in linear demands exists...
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the financial crisis. We find several important results. First, we find that the Troubled-Asset Relief Program’s (TARP …
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This paper develops a formula to numerically estimate the unsubsidized, fair-market value of the toxic assets purchased with Federal Reserve loans. It finds that subsidy rates on these loans were on average 33.9 percent at origination. In contrast, by the 3rd quarter of the 2010, there was on...
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Modern central banks increasingly value monetary policy transparency, and attempt to build credibility by communicating their decisions to the public. This paper studies whether the communication of central banks can be used to explain upcoming changes in their most important monetary policy...
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There is a growing consensus among both economists-academics and policymakers that there was at least one missing element of the financial safety net during the Global Financial Crisis. This element, which will probably improve financial stability (or protect against financial instability), is...
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Neben der Durchführung geldpolitischer Operationen nehmen die nationalen Zentralbanken des Eurosystems eine Reihe von nationalen Aufgaben in eigener Verantwortung wahr. Dazu zählt auch die Verwaltung ihrer Portfolios. Damit dies nicht in Konflikt mit der Durchführung der gemeinsamen...
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Obwohl die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) seit Jahren einen expansiv ausgerichteten geldpolitischen Kurs verfolgt, ist die Preisentwicklung im Euroraum nach wie vor äußerst schwach. Mehr noch: Wie der vorliegende Wochenbericht deutlich zeigt, sind die Inflationserwartungen im Euroraum nicht...
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Die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) hat im Zuge der europäischen Schuldenkrise in den vergangenen Jahren massiv an Bedeutung gewonnen. Der sich zuspitzende Verlauf der Krise vor allem in den südlichen Ländern des Euroraums zwang die EZB zu Maßnahmen, die die geldpolitischen Aktivitäten einer...
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In this paper, we develop a structural model to estimate the current level of the natural rate for a small open economy, featuring a rich set of shocks to provide economic intuition for its underlying drivers. The model follows the New Keynesian tradition with several frictions and is able to...
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