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This paper studies the problem of burden sharing in countries that were forced to introduce severe budget cuts after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008 which had unleashed a financial crisis in many industrialised countries of the Western world. We do not ask how the burden was actually...
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On the presumption that poorer people tend to work less, it is often claimed that standard measures of inequality and poverty are overestimates. The paper points to a number of reasons to question this claim. It is shown that, while the labor supplies of American adults have a positive income...
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Die CDU/CSU schlägt in ihrem Wahlprogramm unter dem Stichwort Familiensplitting vor, das Kindergeld um 35 Euro pro Monat zu erhöhen und den Kinderfreibetrag auf die Höhe des Grundfreibetrags für Erwachsene anzuheben. Dies würde nach Berechnung des DIW Berlin Familien mit Kindern...
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Die Ampel-Koalition plant die Abschaffung der Lohnsteuerklassenkombination III und V für Ehepaare. Dadurch sollen die hohen Lohnsteuerbelastungen von zweitverdienenden EhepartnerInnenn in der Steuerklasse V vermieden werden. Bei der dann geltenden Lohnsteuerklassenkombination IV/IV sinken die...
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Two traditional options for reforming Ehegattensplitting, the joint taxation of married couples with full income splitting, are de facto income splitting (Realsplitting) or individual taxation with a transferable personal allowance. However, these proposals do not significantly reduce the...
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Ein Realsplitting wie bei Geschiedenen oder eine Individualbesteuerung mit übertragbarem Grundfreibetrag sind traditionelle Reformoptionen für das Ehegattensplitting. Ihr Nachteil ist, dass sie die Grenzbelastungen des Einkommens von zweitverdienenden PartnerInnen kaum reduzieren und somit die...
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Die Abschaffung des Ehegattensplittings zugunsten einer Individualbesteuerung mit übertragbarem Grundfreibetrag könnte gut 15 Milliarden Euro Mehreinnahmen erzielen. Das Arbeitsangebot von verheirateten Frauen würde spürbar steigen. Belastet würden vor allem besserverdienende Ehepaare mit...
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European societies have been experiencing growing income and wealth inequalities over the past few decades, and, accordingly, they are a topic of intense discussion. Although the population’s evaluation of inequalities as just or unjust is important for designing social policies, there has...
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The present study compares the perceptions of fairness of national earned incomes between the populations of Germany and the rest of Europe based on recent data from the European Social Survey (ESS). The vast majority of European respondents consider very low gross earned incomes to be unjustly...
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The authors analyze to what extent and how the tax burden should be shifted towards top income earners in order to reduce income inequality. Starting from Lambert and Aronson (Inequality decomposition analysis and the Gini coefficient revisited 1993) and Alvaredo (A note on the relationship...
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