Showing 1 - 10 of 26
Der internationale Warenhandel wird doppelt erfasst: einerseits in der Exportstatistik des Lieferlandes, andererseits in der Importstatistik des Empfangslandes. Auf Basis dieser beiden Quellen werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit für die Jahre 1992 und 2000 Handelsmatrizen berechnet, in denen die...
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Recovery in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain is held back in part by structural barriers. Overcoming these requires structural reform and public investment. Given the limited availability of political and financial capital, prioritising reform efforts and spending is important, but difficult....
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Greece, Portugal and Spain face a serious risk of external solvency due to their close to minus 100 percent of GDP net negative international investment positions, which are largely composed of debt. The perceived inability of these countries to rebalance their external positions is a major root...
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There are two possible responses to the Greek debt crisis: 'Plan A', continued official lending, for as long as needed, with possible voluntary private sector involvement, and 'Plan B', coercive pre-emptive or post-default restructuring with significant face value reduction. Both options have...
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Stress in the interbank market has increased dramatically since July and bank stock market valuation has fallen by 22 percent on average for 60 of the most important banks tested in the EBA stress tests. I find evidence that bank stock valuation is significantly and economically meaningfully...
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Without corrective measures, Greek public debt will exceed 190 percent of GDP, instead of peaking at the anyway too-high target ratio of 167 percent of GDP of the March 2012 financial assistance programme. The rise is largely due to a negative feedback loop between high public debt and the...
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führte dies gar zu der Diskussion, ob die Währungsunion auseinanderbrechen könnte. Vor allem Griechenland wurde in Teilen der … die Hilfsmaßnahmen für Griechenland zu bewerten sind und ob ein Schuldenerlass durch die öffentlichen Gläubiger angezeigt …
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Von Februar bis Juni 2015 hat die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) die Notfall-Liquiditätshilfen (emergency liquidity assistance, ELA) für griechische Banken von 50 auf etwa 90 Milliarden Euro ausgeweitet. Dies hat zu einer Diskussion unter Wissenschaftlern, Politikern und Praktikern geführt,...
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A withdrawal of a member state from the EMU due to market pressure has been a rather popular topic in the public debate in recent years. However, the effects of a withdrawal have been analysed quantitatively surprisingly little. Discussions have been concentrated on the crisis countries, but as...
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stabilitätsorientierte Haushaltspolitik weiterführt. Nur unter diesen Bedingungen kann Griechenland einen steileren Wachstumspfad erreichen …
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