Showing 51 - 60 of 119
There are almost 200,000 enterprises operating in the Finnish service sector, combined. However, not all of the service industries are the same. Some services have become independent of geographical locations, meaning that they can be exported, much like physical products. Other services still...
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Workers have different abilities in research, development and innovation (R&D&I) activities. Firms have different “prospects for innovation”. Innovation is facilitated by matching innovators, i.e. workers that are specialized in R&D&I to firms with good prospects for innovation. Aggregate...
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International literature suggests that productivity growth of the global frontier firms – those in the best five percent – has diverged from the others during the 2000s. We study this issue using Finnish firm-level data. We find that the productivity of the Finnish frontier firms does not...
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Die EU hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die CO2-Emissionen des Verkehrs im Zeitraum von 2005 bis 2030 um 30 Prozent zu senken. Damit das erreicht werden kann, müssen insbesondere die Emissionen des Pkw-Verkehrs sinken. Ohne weitere Regulierungsschritte wird der Verkehrssektor aber das Klimaziel...
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Megatrends wie die zunehmende Elektrifizierung des Antriebsstrangs und das autonome Fahren führen zu einem gravierenden Strukturwandel im Fahrzeugbau. Die vorliegende Studie analysiert, wie gut die deutschen KFZ-Unternehmen auf diesen Strukturwandel vorbereitet sind. Hierzu werden die...
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Endogenous growth theory assigns an important role for entrepreneurship in the process of economic development. This paper sets to formally test the impact of entrepreneurship on economic growth. Entrepreneurship is represented by a number of proxy variables, whereas Total Factor Productivity is...
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Services dominate all advanced economies but service innovations are still an underresearched topic. One of the reasons are definitional and measurement difficulties. The goal of the paper is to highlight those by reviewing recent literature and to assess the current state of knowledge and...
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Bei der vorliegenden Studie handelt es sich um eine Folgebefragung, die nach 2016 zum zweiten Mal den Digitalisierungsgrad von Unternehmen im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe untersucht. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Bedeutung der Digitalisierung in den letzten fünf Jahren deutlich zugenommen hat....
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Data as a resource and data sharing enable competitive supply chains and present-day digital platform business models. The recipe for these competitive supply chains will no longer be contingent on how different companies contract to share data in their existing business networks but how these...
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We review the extant research on the government innovation promotion rationales and impacts. Based on the research literature, the review synthesizes innovation promotion rationales, economic justifications for the intervention, impact evaluations of innovation promotion interventions, and...
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