Showing 698,271 - 698,280 of 704,872
This paper investigates the relation between agglomeration of economic activity and the pattern of specialization of countries. We develop a model encompassing a Ricardian comparative advantage, increasing returns to scale, product differentiation, monopolistic competition, trade costs, and...
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The mortality of German joint stock companies is investigated using life table techniques. An EDB-distribution or Hjorth-distribution and an exponential distribution are fitted to the hazard rates, whereby the population is divided into small and large firms. Survivor functions and life...
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Die Diskussion um flexible versus fixe Wechselkurse und die Bemühungen um stabilere Wechselkurse, etwa im Rahmen des europäischen WährungsSystems, durch Präferenzzonen (Williamson 1985) oder einen Goldstandard ohne Gold (McKinnon 1988) geben der Literatur um die Mechanismen zum Ausgleich der...
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Nichtparametrische Verfahren zur Dichte- und Regressionsschätzung setzen die Wahl eines Glättungsparameters voraus. Ein oft verwendetes Verfahren zu dessen Bestimmung ist die Kreuzvalidierung. Die Übertragung dieser Methode auf die Quantiisregression ist Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit. Es...
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The following remarks concentrate on an aspect of the relation between trade and factor movements, which has been neglected in the literature so far. It is the intertemporal dimension of factor movements, which in turn is closely linked to the relation between real and financial capital...
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Capital tax competition is analyzed in a model with a single private and a locally supplied public consumption good. As a benchmark case necessary conditions for efficient interregional tax structures are derived and contrasted with the outcome of beggar thy neighbor strategies. If households...
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National reductions of CO2 emissions as a way to manage unilaterally the use of global environmental resources can be interpreted as the noncooperative provision of an international public good. This paper analyses two basic sources of inefficiency if countries abate their emissions...
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Die internationale Besteuerung ist eine der Ursachen für die Internationalisierung der Produktion, weil sie den Nettoertrag einer Direktinvestition und damit die Investitionsentscheidung der multinationalen Unternehmung hinsichtlich des Standorts für eine neu zu gründende Produktionsstätte...
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We derive a class of utility functions that are equivalent with respect to a well-defined functional form. We apply a general view of constant relative risk aversion to investigate on different equivalence relations. Then we compare our results with standard applications in economics and finance.
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A bandwidth selector for local polynomial fitting is proposed following the bootstrap idea, which is just a double smoothing bandwidth selector with a bootstrap variance estimator, defined as the mean squared residuals of a pilot estimate. No simulated resampling is required in this context,...
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