Showing 141 - 150 of 14,403
In this paper, we propose a new method for estimating and forecasting asymmetric stochastic volatility models. The proposal is based on dynamic linear models with Markov switching written as state space models. Then, the likelihood is calculated through Kalman filter outputs and the estimates...
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Despite the growing interest in realized stochastic volatility models, their estimation techniques, such as simulated maximum likelihood (SML), are computationally intensive. Based on the realized volatility equation, this study demonstrates that, in a finite sample, the quasi-maximum likelihood...
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The paper derives a Multivariate Asymmetric Long Memory conditional volatility model with Exogenous Variables (X), or the MALMX model, with dynamic conditional correlations, appropriate regularity conditions, and associated asymptotic theory. This enables checking of internal consistency and...
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Estimation of GARCH models can be simplified by augmenting quasi-maximum likelihood (QML) estimation with variance targeting, which reduces the degree of parameterization and facilitates estimation. We compare the two approaches and investigate, via simulations, how non-normality features of the...
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In this paper we present a new three-step approach to the estimation of Generalized Orthogonal GARCH (GO-GARCH) models, as proposed by van der Weide (2002). The approach only requires (non-linear) least-squares methods in combination with univariate GARCH estimation, and as such is...
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We revisit Wintenberger (2013) on the continuous invertibility of the EGARCH(1,1) model. We note that the definition of continuous invertibility adopted in Wintenberger (2013) may not always be sufficient to deliver strong consistency of the QMLE. We also take the opportunity to provide other...
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We introduce the class of FloGARCH models in this paper. FloGARCH models provide a parsimonious joint model for low frequency returns and realized measures and are sufficiently flexible to capture long memory as well as asymmetries related to leverage effects. We analyze the performances of the...
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