Showing 31 - 40 of 217
In this paper I consider the impact of a noisy indicator regarding a manager’s manipulative behavior on optimal effort incentives and the extent of earnings management. The analysis in this paper extends a twotask, single performance measure LEN model by including a binary random variable. I...
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We analyze a two-period agency problem with limited liability and nonverifiable information. The principal commits to a dynamic bonus pool comprising a fixed total payment that may be distributed over time to the agent and a third party. We find that the optimal two-period contract features...
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In this paper I consider the impact of a noisy indicator regarding a manager’s manipulative behavior on optimal effort incentives and the extent of earnings management. The analysis in this paper extends a twotask, single performance measure LEN model by including a binary random variable. I...
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The focus of the paper is on the remuneration of executives of large European banks. We describe the pay-for-performance sensitivity of the compensation and its disclosure as two dimensions of the board remuneration systems in the European countries.
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This paper deals with a moral hazard problem resulting from a combined hidden action and hidden information situation.
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Dem Einrichten von Verantwortungsbereichen wie Cost- oder Profit-Centern kommt in der betrieblichen Praxis eine große Bedeutung zu. Ob solche Organisationsformen erfolgreich sind, hängt vor allem von der Effizienz der eingesetzten Steuerungsmechanismen ab. Der Beitrag analysiert auf der...
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Non-financial performance measures are often used for performance evaluation.They are especially relevant if the available financial performance measures notcompletely reflect the manager’s contribution to the firm’s total value. Then,non-financial performance measures serve as an indicator...
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In jüungerer Zeit werden im Rahmen der Investitionsbudgetierung zunehmenddie Bedeutung wahrheitsinduzierender Budgetierungsverfahren wie desGroves-Mechanismus zur ¨Uberwindung von Anreizproblemen diskutiert. Charakteristischf¨ur den Groves-Mechanismus ist, dass man bei der...
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Investitionssteuerungsprobleme resultieren aus divergierenden Präferenzen und Informationsständen der am Investitionsprojekt Beteiligten. Ergänzt werden diese Probleme oftmals durch nachfolgende Beschäftigungsentscheidungen, die die Nutzung der Investitionsgüter betreffen. Zur Steuerung von...
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