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variances, the non-parametric aspect of the estimation may discourage practitioners from its use. This paper outlines how the …
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We estimate the Mincer equations for a set of European countries. The variability of parameters, describing the impact of years of schooling and the experience to the wages, was obtained by application of the system of Seemingly Unrelated Regression Equations (SURE). The differences between...
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Empirical work on continuing training in Germany provides surprisingly divergent evidence on the incidence of training. This makes comparison of econometric analyses of the impact of training on labour market outcomes difficult. Three large German data sets are used here to bring to light the...
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We produced a data set from a survey of a population of convicts in probation. We combined this new data set with an official data set from the Brazilian government to study labor market discrimination faced by ex-convicts. We were interested in estimating two potential effects of...
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is an order of magnitude lower than past work has found when assuming rational expectations on income returns. The low …
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We show that data on subjective expectations, especially on outcomes from counterfactual choices and choice probabilities, are a powerful tool in recovering ex ante treatment effects as well as preferences for different treatments. In this paper we focus on the choice of occupation, and use...
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In this paper, we identify female long-term wage returns to college education using the educational expansion between 1960–1990 in West Germany as exogenous variation for college enrollment. We estimate marginal treatment effects to learn about the underlying behavioral structure of women...
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endogenous variables and nonadditive errors in the outcome equation. It is suitable, e.g., for estimation of the average returns …
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instrumental variables (SSIV) estimation. We find that the estimated return to education is quite sensitive to the age controls … used in the models as well as the estimation method used. In particular, we provide evidence that JIVE coefficients …
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This paper investigates the short term effects of a large scale intervention, funded by the European Social Fund, that provides additional instruction time to students in low achieving lower secondary schools of Southern Italy. We control for sorting across classes using the fact that freshman...
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