Showing 1,151 - 1,160 of 1,288
This paper studies the effects of real exchange rate depreciation in an economy with extreme liability dollarization using vector autoregression (VAR) methods. Bolivia's extreme liability dollarization makes it an interesting case for empirical testing of the contractionary-depreciations...
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We document a clear increase in Swedish earnings inequality in the early 1990s. Inequality in disposable income and earnings net of taxes and transfers also increased, but much less than the increased inequality in pre-government earnings. These different developments are most likely explained...
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We report evidence that salience may have economically significant effects on homeowners' borrowing behavior, through a bias in favour of less salient but more costly loans. We outline a simple model in which some consumers are biased. Under plausible assumptions, the bias may affect prices in...
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In this note, I examine how the responsiveness of the Swedish public budget to business-cycle conditions has developed between 1998 and 2009. I document substantial changes in three components behind the budget elasticity: (i) the average level of personal income taxes has fallen substantially,...
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We study the effect of political polarization on public spending using the dispersion of self-reported political preferences as our measure of polarization. Political polarization is strongly associated with smaller government in democratic countries, but there is no relationship between...
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Purpose <p> The purpose of the paper is to identify changes in different types of knowledge in a service outsourcing relationship as knowledge is transferred from the client to the provider, which correspond to the research question that guides the paper: ‘What are the effects on knowledge types...</p>
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Bakgrund: <p> Ny teknik kan ge nya möjligheter. Exempel på det är mobila betalningar, mobila plånböcker, lägesbaserade tjänster samt ”Tingens Internet”. Avståndet från vision till vardag är dock ofta långt. Studier av e-handelns utveckling har visat att det tog mer än ett decennium...</p>
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Skönmålning är ett stort problem vid användning av personlighetstest av självrapporttyp. Det är ofta lätt att genomskåda vad olika testfrågor syftar till att mäta och vill man bluffa är det lätt att göra det. Trots det är denna typ av test vanliga och de tycks få en ökande...
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In this literature review, we propose a synthesising view on what constitutes a value-creating corporate board. The review scopes ten academic journals in a 31 year period and is thematic/analytical rather than quantitative. Our judgement of profundity and quality of ideational content is the...
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In this paper we develop a life cycle model of labor supply and retirement to study the interactions between health and the labor supply behavior of older workers, in particular disability insurance and pension claiming. In our framework, individuals choose when to stop working and, given...
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