Showing 31 - 40 of 34,945
Spanish Abstract: Actualmente las empresas continúan compitiendo en liderazgo de costos y diferenciación, para la primera de estas estrategias es indispensable tener costos de producción bajos, lo que es de especial importancia para un gran número de empresas en diversos sectores...
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We propose a theory of firm dynamics in which workers have ideas for new projects that can be sold in a market to existing firms or implemented in new firms: spin-offs. Workers have private information about the quality of their ideas. Because of an adverse selection problem, workers can sell...
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In this paper, we empirically test the effects of the EU's 'cohesion policy' on the performance of 273,500 European manufacturing firms after combining regional policy data at NUTS 2 level with firm-level data. In a framework of heterogeneous firms and different absorptive capacity of regions,...
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Le redémarrage de l’activité des PME résidant en France se confirme en 2011, notamment grâce à un rebond des exportations, mais la fin d’année marque les prémices d’une inflexion. Le taux de marge augmente légèrement, tandis que le taux d’épargne se replie. L’investissement...
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En 2012, les PME françaises subissent les effets de la crise avec un ralentissement de l’activité et surtout une baisse des profits. Elles préservent globalement l’équilibre de leur structure financière et réduisent leur taux d’endettement, même si le choc de la récession de 2009 a...
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What type of businesses do unions target for organizing? A dynamic model of the union organizing process is constructed to answer this question. A union monitors establishments in an industry to learn about their productivity, and decides which ones to organize and when. An establishment becomes...
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In France, firms with 50 employees or more face substantially more regulation than firms with less than 50. As a result, the size distribution of firms is visibly distorted: there are many firms with exactly 49 employees. We model the regulation as the combination of a sunk cost that must be...
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This short paper analyses the decline of France’s trade balance over the past 15 years. While the loss in export market shares is comparable to that of the major OECD countries except Germany, it is one of the largest among the countries of the euro area. The determinants of this outcome seem...
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This paper evaluates the role of internal capital markets in business groups for allocating capital to its most productive use. A quantitative model in which business groups arise endogenously as substitutes for imperfect credit markets explains several stylized facts about establishment size...
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This paper advocates for incorporating timely measures of firms' current situation and future expectations when disentangling real effects of credit supply from demand-side factors. Identification of supply-side effects in firm-level analyses often relies on balance sheet variables to control...
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