Showing 251 - 260 of 72,053
This paper provides evidence on the nature of returns to education in Ghana and confirms the emerging empirical … literature on the convexity of returns to education in Ghana. Using a basic Mincerian, model we find that returns to education … results point to the importance of higher education in productivity. Nonetheless educational policies should not only be …
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/or better education. These groups are characterized by higher relative wages as well as higher within-group wage inequality …
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We study the joint design of nonlinear income and education taxes when the government pursues redistributive objectives … education. Market remuneration of agents depends on both their innate ability type and their educational choices. Our focus is … on income and education and shed light on the reasons for it and mechanisms through which it is done. We show how and why …
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Statistics Finland. We analyze emigration events lasting at least five years and decompose migrant self-selection into education … positively self-selected in terms of education and earnings. We also find strong evidence of sorting: men who emigrate outside …
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This paper studies optimal taxation of income and education when employers cannot observe workers' productivity and … workers signal their productivity to firms by choosing both quantity and quality of education. We characterize constrained …. Implementation through income and education dependent taxes is discussed, as well as education mandates. A key insight is that …
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top of the education and income distribution (upward mobility) has increased. On the other hand, for children whose …
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A measurement error model is a regression model with (substantial) measurement errors in the variables. Disregarding these measurement errors in estimating the regression parameters results in asymptotically biased estimators. Several methods have been proposed to eliminate, or at least to...
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Inflation expectations are a key determinant of actual and future inflation and thus matter for the conduct of monetary policy. We study how firms form their inflation expectations using quarterly firm-level data from the Bank of Canada's Business Outlook Survey, spanning the 2001 to 2015...
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This study extends a test for the presence of binding zoning, originally developed to be applied across many adjacent jurisdictions, so that it can be applied within a single jurisdiction. This study also demonstrates how to carry out this test in the presence of spatially correlated OLS...
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As the year goes by, many market participants form expectations as to the effect of certain months on financial markets. Be it the summer doldrums, where trading volume decreases and price action subsides to the January effect, where most expect equity prices to rise in the month. These and...
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