Showing 61 - 70 of 1,580
This book celebrates the contributions of David B. Audretsch, Distinguished Professor at the School of Public and Environment Affairs (SPEA) at Indiana University (USA), co-founder and co-editor of Small Business Economics, and former Director of the Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy...
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An important literature has made a fundamental link between corporate governanceand corporate strategy. According to agency theory, assigning managersstock options aligns their interests with the interests of the owners of the firm.This paper suggests that this may not apply in the context of...
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While considerable concern has emerged about the impact of religion oneconomic development, little is actually known about how religion impacts thedecision making of individuals. This paper examines the influence of religion onthe decision for people to become an entrepreneur. Based on a...
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This paper explores the relationship between knowledge creation, entrepreneur-ship, and economic growth in the United States over the last 150 years. Accor-ding to the “new growth theory,” investments in knowledge and human capital ge-nerate economic growth via spillovers of knowledge. But the...
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This paper argues that globalization has led to a shift in developed countries from an industrial to an entrepreneurial model of production. Globalization is interpreted as a level shock in the supply of unskilled labor to the world economy, a decrease in the level of political risk associated...
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This study examines the prevalence and determinants of the commercialization of research by university scientists funded by grants from the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Because the two publicly available modes of scientist commercialization - patents and Small Business Innovation Research...
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This paper suggests that the spillover of knowledge may not occur automatically as has typically been assumed in models of endogenous growth. Rather, a mechanism is required that serves as a conduit for the spillover and commercialization of knowledge from the source creating it to the firm...
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Contemporary theories of entrepreneurship generally focus on the decision-making context of the individual. The recognition of opportunities and the decision to commercialize them is the focal concern. While the prevalent view in the entrepreneurship literature is that opportunities are...
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Der Europäische Rat von Lissabon hat ein klares strategisches Ziel für die Europäische Union gesetzt: "Die Europäische Union soll zum wettbewerbsfähigsten und dynamischsten wissensbasierten Wirtschaftsraum der Welt gemacht werden - einem Wirtschaftsraum, der fähig ist, ein nachhaltiges...
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The intellectual breakthrough contributed by the new growth theory was the recognition that investments in knowledge and human capital endogenously generate economic growth through the spillover of knowledge. Endogenous growth theory does not explain how or why spillovers occur. The missing link...
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