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We compile an IO toolkit for aggregative games and use inclusive best reply functions to deliver oligopoly comparative statics and ranking of firms' actions and profits. Aggregative games apply to additively separable direct and indirect preferences, as well as generalized quadratic forms....
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second period (Cournot outcome versus collusion), and sales in both periods with the clearance price above or at the salvage …
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Forward sales is a credible commitment to aggressive spot market bidding, and it mitigates producers' market power in electricity markets. Still it can be profitable for a producer to make such a commitment if it results in a soft response from competitors in the spot market (strategies are...
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Cournot and Bertrand oligopoly equilibria are usually explained by strategic interactions, e.g., the best … least likely in Cournot oligopoly with homogeneous goods under simultaneous moves, it is still guaranteed under sequential … moves as assumed by Cournot originally. Hence, oligopoly equilibria can be better explained without strategic interaction …
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Two related models of oligopolistic price competition with homogeneous products are presented. These models are based on weaker assumptions about consumer behavior compared to a classical Bertrand model. In both models firms do not necessarily face a discontinuous demand at an equilibrium price...
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This article analyses the ability of the learning firms in a Cournot oligopoly to discover market solutions more … collusive that the Cournot equilibrium (CE). We start from the results of Vallée and Yildizoglu (2009) and of Alos-Ferrer (2004 …
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This paper investigates the collusive and competitive effects of algorithmic price recommendations on market outcomes. These recommendations are often non-binding and common in many markets, especially on online platforms. We develop a theoretical framework and derive two algorithms that...
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Oligopoly has been among the first topics in the experimental economics. Over half a century, some 150 papers have been published. Each individual paper was interested in demonstrating one effect. But in order to do so, experimenters had to specify many more parameters. That way they have...
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This paper provides existence results for a large class of covertly collusive outcomes in oligopoly markets. In particular, the paper shows that the Alpha-core is non-empty in linear industries with any asymmetric costs and any asymmetric capacity bounds
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We investigate the relationship between competition and innovation using a dynamic oligopoly model that endogenizes both the long-run innovation rate and market structure. We use the model to examine how various determinants of competition, such as product substitutability, entry costs, and...
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