Showing 81 - 90 of 34,908
Authoritarian Monarchies in the Early Modern period have been considered as a keystone of the outset of the market economy in Europe. However, as a result of their own need of coexistence with other power institutions, it has to be taken into account that those monarchies implied the survival of...
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This paper provides an overview of the long-term impacts of the Columbian Exchange -- that is, the exchange of diseases, ideas, food crops, technologies, populations, and cultures between the New World and the Old World after Christopher Columbus' voyage to the Americas in 1492. We focus on the...
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Temettüat defterleri 19. yüzyıl Osmanlı Sosyal ve İktisadi tarihi üzerine önemli bilgiler içeren kaynaklar durumundadır. İktisadi ve mali sıkıntılara çözüm bulmak amacıyla Tanzimat ile birlikte önemli reformlar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Diğer alanlarda olduğu gibi mali alanda...
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English agriculture in the first half of the nineteenth century was characterised by the ehigh-wage north and low-wage southf pattern. The serious problem of rural unemployment in southern England is also widely acknowledged for this period. The question then remains: Why did agricultural...
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En aquest treball s’analitzen els canvis que es produeixen en la dieta de la població de la comarca catalana del Vallès Occidental entre finals del segle XVIII i 1936, un període marcat per les grans transformacions econòmiques i socials que experimenta aquesta comarca amb el procés...
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This paper examines knowledge spillovers across ethnic boundaries using the case of German immigration to the Russian Empire. We digitize the data on Saratov province in the early 20th century, and find that distance to German colonies predicts the prevalence of heavy iron ploughs, fanning mills...
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The Reformation provided a powerful source of legitimacy for secularization of governance and enabled the regional authorities to change the institutional structure to eliminate the inefficiencies under the prevailing (Catholic) regime. We investigate this idea in a simple model of regime change...
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Decades of investment decisions by central planners left communist societies with structures of production ill-prepared for competitive markets. Their vulnerability to liberalization, however, varied across space. Similar to the effects identified in the “China shock” literature, we...
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In the early twentieth century, a large number of households resettled from the European to the Asian part of the Russian Empire. We propose that this dramatic migration was rooted in institutional changes initiated by the 1906 Stolypin land titling reform. One might expect better property...
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What factors caused the persecution of minorities in medieval and early modern Europe? We build a model that predicts that minority communities were more likely to be expropriated in the wake of negative income shocks. Using panel data consisting of 1,366 city-level persecutions of Jews from 936...
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