Showing 431 - 440 of 475
The Aubry?'s law voted in 1999 introduced a reform in the accumulation system of the specific minimum income recipients. This population is divided in two ones: the recipients of an api (allocation parent isolé) and the recipients of a rmi (revenu minimum d?'Insertion). Our purpose is to study...
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This paper examines a reform of the French welfare system. More precisely, it is a question of granting a decreasing benefit according to earned income. The modulation of this benefit according to the family size and the rent is clarified in detail. Several alternatives of the reform are...
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What is the impact of the threat of migration for tax purposes on the optimum redistributive policy of a country which aims at preventing emigration of highly skilled individuals ? We use the theory of optimum income taxation à la Mirrlees [1971] to answer this question. The world consists of...
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<alinea/> This article contributes to the debate about the reform of the French local business tax. It casts light on an argument in favour of its replacement by a tax based on the value added, an argument that was apparently overlooked. For this purpose, it uses the user cost of the production factors,...
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Regardless of the issue of tuition fees, we explore new ways to improve the financing of higher education in France. We first study funding formula from the state to universities. The so called ?San Remo? funding formula is modelled and its incentive properties are studied. Even if it is very...
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This paper proposes a dominance approach to study inequality of well-being across countries. We consider a class of well-being indices based on the three attributes used in the HDI (Human Development Index). Indices are required to satisfy: preference for egalitarian marginal distributions of...
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Parmi les facteurs explicatifs proposés pour expliquer les inégalités sociales de santé, la littérature épidémiologique a récemment mis en avant l’influence du milieu social d’origine sur l’état de santé à l’âge adulte, cette influence résultant à la fois d’un effet...
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Il est procédé à l'estimation par maximum de vraisemblance de 6 modèles qui font intervenir d'une manière tantôt substituable, tantôt complémentaire trois facteurs de non-emploi : le plus ou moins grand désir de travailler lié aux incitations financières, une productivité...
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We examine how allowing individuals to emigrate to pay lower taxes abroad changes the optimal non-linear income tax scheme in a Mirrleesian economy. An individual emigrates if his domestic utility is less than his utility abroad net of migration costs, utilities and costs both depending on...
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