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We theoretically calculate the Josephson current for two superconductor/ferromagnetic semiconductor (SC/FS) bilayers separated by a semiconductor (SM) layer. It is found that the critical Josephson current I<Subscript>C</Subscript> in the junction is strongly determined by not only the relative orientations of the...</subscript>
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Four-component Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations are applied to study tunneling conductance spectra of ferromagnet/ferromagnet/d-wave superconductor (F<Subscript>1</Subscript>/F<Subscript>2</Subscript>/d-wave S) tunnel junctions and to find out signs of spin-triplet pairing correlations induced in the proximity structure. The pairing...</subscript></subscript>
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Along the lines of Blonder, Tinkham and Klapwijk, we investigate the charge transport through ferromagnet/two-dimensional electronic gas/d-wave superconductor (F/2DEG/S) junctions in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit (SO) coupling and focus our attention on the interplay between spin...
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Using Scanning Tunneling Microscope at low temperature we explore the superconducting phase diagram in the π-band of the two-band superconductor MgB<Subscript>2</Subscript>. In this band the peculiar shape of the local tunneling spectra and their dynamics in the magnetic field reveal the complex character of the...</subscript>
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Measurements of the electrical resistivity as a function of temperature, ρ(T), for different values of applied magnetic field, B<Subscript>a</Subscript> (0 ≤ B<Subscript>a</Subscript> ≤ 50 mT), were performed in polycrystalline samples of Bi<Subscript>1.65</Subscript>Pb<Subscript>0.35</Subscript>Sr<Subscript>2</ Subscript>Ca<Subscript>2</Subscript> Cu<Subscript>3</Subscript>O<Subscript>10+δ</Subscript> subjected to different uniaxial compacting pressure (UCP). We...</subscript></subscript></subscript><//></subscript></subscript></subscript></subscript></subscript>
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The magnetic states of multi-junction superconducting quantum interference device containing 2N identical conventional Josephson junctions are studied by means of a perturbation analysis of the non-linear first-order ordinary differential equations governing the dynamics of the Josephson...
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