Showing 91 - 100 of 7,488
The Master’s degree thesis includes 77 pages, 19 pictures, 8 tables, 49 literature sources, 4 appendix, in the Lithuanian language. The aim of the thesis- to suggest gardening and berrying ecological farming development model of systems consulting, when cooperative consulting area of berries...
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The purpose of the Thesis is to generalize a scheme of evaluation and to measure competitive ability of Private Company “Vilniaus duona” after the analysis of methodical – academic works on competitive environment. After applying the scheme, it was identified that the Company is...
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One of the priority aims of the European Union was the integration of finance markets of the European Union and processes, related with the functioning of the European Union’s finance policy, as well as its implementation in order to form well operating comprehensive common market of the...
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SummaryThis thesis analyses the mechanisms of management and disposal of municipality asset. Asset management is viewed through classifying it into financial and material types of asset and different management ways are presented to each of those. They are discussed in the context of...
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An organizational culture is the mainpoint of value system followed by organization and a acknowledged by members of it, which influence their behaviour and which is supported by organization history, myths and also based on its tradicions, ceremonies, rituals and symbols.According to the...
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The assistance from the EU funds is a contribution to Lithuanian economic development, upturn in the economy, better quality of life and it plays the significant role for the environmental protection. The project is the main measure for using the EU support. The EU financed projects management...
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Šiandien vis garsiau kalbama apie augantį poreikį kryptingai, sistemiškai ir apgalvotai valdyti organizacijos reputaciją. Tad šio darbo siekiamas tikslas: ištyrus UAB „Sabelijos prekyba“ darbuotojų požiūrį į reputacijos valdymo svarbą ir aktualumą, pasiūlyti įmonei...
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Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti UAB „Signeda“ esamuoju metu atliekamus veiksmus klientų lojalumui skatinti ir sudaryti lojalumo programą. Pirmiausia, teorinėje darbo dalyje buvo apžvelgti klientų lojalumo teoriniai aspektai, atskleista lojalaus pirkėjo nauda...
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Šio magistrinio darbo problema – žemas moterų karjeros Lietuvos organizacijose lygis. Problemos tyrimui pasirinktas darbo objektas – Lietuvos organizacijose dirbančių moterų karjera. Nors dauguma autorių moterų karjerą organizacijose nagrinėja motyvuodami lygiomis galimybėmis ir...
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Magistro darbe nagrinėjami TEO LT, AB strategijos formavimo aspektai. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – parodyti, kaip parenkama organizacijos strategija, analizuojant įmonės vidinę ir išorinę aplinką, atsižvelgiant į jos galimybes, stipriąsias ir silpnąsias puses bei grėsmes....
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