Showing 51 - 60 of 36,902
and online experiments (n=2,584), we document a robust asymmetry in preferences and perceptions in two incentive …
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and online experiments (n=2,584), we document a robust asymmetry in preferences and perceptions in two incentive …
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by not surpassing the point. Our data reveal that contributions are higher if the cost of not reaching the threshold is …
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Direct transfers allow heirs to freely use what has been passed on to them. Bequeathers who do not trust their descendants to make proper use of the fortune may prefer investing it in a safe foundation, thereby limiting their descendants’ autonomy. In our study we compare experimentally these...
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the results of two experiments. The ¯rst implemented environmentfollows the standard procedures for the voluntary … andSchmidt (1999) captures the stylized facts of both experiments. …
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We study the effects of leadership on the private provision of a public good when group members are heterogeneously endowed. Leadership is implemented as a sequential public goods game where one group member contributes first and all the others follow. Our results show that the presence of a...
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promoting social norms. We show here, using experiments with human subjects, that public implementation of punishment can …
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In a two-stage public goods experiment, we study the framing effect due to the adoption of a cultural context. Our results show a slight increase in the allocations of subjects’ endowments to the cultural good when the cultural context is implemented in the laboratory. In particular, in one...
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This paper reports 5 laboratory sessions that analyze the effects of group sizes in the voluntary contribution mechanism, when contribution level is either complementary or substitute. The theorical argument is that each production function provides different incentives for the agent along scale...
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We experiment a new mechanism for the provision of a discrete public good: in a fixed period individuals can contribute several times; at any moment they can see the total amount collected; at the end of the period, the public good is provided if the amount covers the cost. We find that the...
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