Showing 51 - 60 of 157
This deliverable describes the work done in task 3.1 “Implementation of additionalservices for economic enhanced platforms in Grid/P2P platform: Preparation ofconcepts and mechanisms for implementation” from the WP 3, “Proof-of-ConceptApplications”. The document is divided in five parts:...
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Considerable efforts have been made developing software architectures which allowclients to obtain service “on demand”. The service-oriented architecture (SOA) based onweb service technologies provides a fundamental concept for this purpose, and is oftenadopted in current Grid implementation...
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What makes economics so attractive for computing environments is that its central researchquestion lies in the efficient allocation of resources, provided by suppliers and indemand by customers. In computing environments like Grid Computing, the resourcesin question are processor time or storage...
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One of the main issues in the development of future Grid and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networksystems is the efficient exploitation of services and resources available in the network.A scalable, dynamic, and adaptable allocation mechanism is essential so that quality ofservice requirements from network...
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The primary target of the CATNETS project is the quantitative comparison between thetechnical and economic efficiency of market-based resource allocation mechanisms inapplication layer networks such as Grids. Here, two fundamentally different approachesare compared. A centralized –...
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The rest of this chapter presents the overall architecture of the simulation process. Thefollowing chapters discuss various aspects of the development of the CATNETS simulator.Chapter 2 introduces the ALN model adopted in simulations and the types of serviceand resource allocation which are...
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The deliverable refers to the tasks related to performance evaluation of the CATNETS projectin year 2. In Table 1 the character of this work is illustrated and set into context. In the firstyear of the project a theoretical metrics framework was devised as basis for the evaluation ofthe...
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The primary target of the CATNETS project is the quantitative comparison between thetechnical and economic efficiency of market-based resource allocation mechanisms inapplication layer networks such as Grids. Here, two fundamentally different approachesare compared. A centralized –...
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Axiomatic Design (AD) ist eine Methode, die den Entwurf beliebiger Systeme unterstützenkann. AD hilft, Anforderungen klar voneinander abzugrenzen und unterstützt die Entwicklungvon Systemen, deren Komponenten eine überschaubare Komplexität aufweisen und weitgehendunabhängig voneinander...
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The objective of WP2 - Simulation of the CATNETS project was to identify the requiredfeatures of the CATNETS simulator, to develop it, and to incorporate the centralised andcatallactic service/resource market specifications from WP1: Theoretical and ComputationalBasis. The simulator is to be...
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