Showing 41 - 50 of 51
vector Manakov solitons. It is found that the exact solutions to the coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations act like quasi-solitons …
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We study the problem of information propagation in brain microtubules. After considering the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a fluid of permanent electric dipoles, the problem reduces to the sine-Gordon wave equation in one space and one time dimensions. The problem of propagation of...
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We introduce a differential-difference KP equation with self-consistent sources (DΔ KPESCS) which is a generalization of the DΔ KP equation. The integrability of the differential-difference equation is shown through bilinear transformation method and Wronskian technique: it possesses N-soliton...
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An averaged mode-locking model is presented in which the nonlinear mode-coupling behavior in a wave-guide array, dual-core fiber, and/or fiber array is used to achieve stable and robust passive mode-locking. By using the discrete, nearest-neighbor spatial coupling of these nonlinear...
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We numerically study the nucleation of gray solitons and vortex–antivortex pairs created by a moving impurity in … linear regimes corresponding to small and large velocities. Effectively, the emission of gray solitons and vortex … small density. At longer times, the first nucleation is followed by generation of an array of solitons in 1D (“soliton train …
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, which exhibits compactons—solitons with finite wavelength—is solved exactly. Two numerical illustrations, K(2,2) and K(3 …
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The coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation models several interesting physical phenomena. It represents a model equation for optical fiber with linear birefringence. In this paper we introduce a finite difference method for a numerical simulation of this equation. This method is second-order in...
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We develop a Fourier–Galerkin spectral technique for computing the stationary solutions of 2D generalized wave equations. To this end a special complete orthonormal system of functions in L2(−∞,∞) is used for which product formula is available. The exponential rate of convergence is...
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the effect of soliton’s “self-compression” under small perturbations and on the trapping phenomena due to collisions. …
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interpolants for different classes of functions. Rigorous results are illustrated with a number of examples which include solitons …
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