Showing 91 - 100 of 2,066
This paper uses a detailed industry-level data base of industry prices in the manufacturing sector in Canada and the United States to investigate whether prices are co-integrated in the two countries and whether the relationship between the two sets of prices follows the law of one price. We...
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The paper investigates how Canadian manufacturing plants adjust to an increase in low-wage import competition by changing their commodity portfolios. At the commodity level, we distinguish between 'core' versus 'peripheral' and differentiated versus homogeneous commodities. We also account for...
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The paper examines how Canadian manufacturing plants have responded to reductions in tariff barriers between Canada and the rest of world over the past two decades.
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This paper presents the long-term trends in outsourcing and offshoring across Canadian industries.
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The paper examines whether Canadians were paying more than the Americans for the goods and services they purchase, based on more than 160 product price data for each of the five years under study (1985, 1990, 1993, 1996, 1999).
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On s'interroge beaucoup pour savoir si les agents formulent des anticipations rationnelles par rapport a des variables ou s'ils commettent plutot des erreurs systematiques de jugement. Dans ce document, on evalue des modeles pour des donnees d'enquete a l'echelon de l'etablissement afin de...
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Des etudes recentes ont montre que les compagnies dont le ratio emprunts/capitaux propres est relativement eleve manifestent une plus grande variabilite pour ce qui est des investissements et de la main-d'oeuvre. D'autres etudes maintiennent qu'un effet de levier financier eleve dans le monde...
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Le present article resume les conclusions de le document de recherche intitulee: Liberalisation des echanges, rentabilite et capitaux d'emprunt. L'evolution de la politique internationale du commerce peut avoir une incidence sur les decisions relatives aux capitaux d'emprunt, c'est a-dire...
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This article summarizes findings from the research paper entitled: Trade liberalization, profitability, and financial leverage. Changes in international trade policy may influence financial leverage, the relative importance of debt as opposed to equity in financing the firm, expressed by a...
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There is much debate over whether agents form rational expectations of variables or whether they suffer from systematic errors in judgment. This paper estimates models for plant-level survey data in order to test rationality for those manufacturing plants that report expectations of capital...
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