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We provide a mathematical definition of fragility and antifragility as negative or positive sensitivity to a semi-measure of dispersion and volatility (a variant of negative or positive "vega") and examine the link to nonlinear effects. We integrate model error (and biases) into the fragile or...
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The paper presents a general empirical method of distance-based multifaceted systematic identifying of the positions of countries in relation to inequalities and imbalances. In order to understand the world economic relations in their entirety, we decided to analyze twelve most populous...
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El objetivo de este documento es recopilar algunos resultados clásicos sobre existencia y unicidad de soluciones de ecuaciones diferenciales estocásticas (EDEs) con condición final (en inglés Backward stochastic differential equations) con particular énfasis en el caso de coeficientes...
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In machine learning and data science literature, clustering is the task of dividing the observations (data points) into several categories in such a way that data points falling into one group are being dissimilar than the data points falling to the other groups such that the variation within a...
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Investors rely on the stock-bond correlation for a variety of tasks, such as forming optimal portfolios, designing hedging strategies, and assessing risk. Most investors estimate the stock-bond correlation simply by extrapolating the historical correlation of monthly returns and assume that this...
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Investors sometimes have strong convictions that a distinctive economic regime will prevail in the period ahead and therefore would like to form a portfolio that reflects the expected returns, standard deviations, and correlations of assets during such a regime. To do so, they typically isolate...
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Crowding is widely regarded as one of the most important risk factors in designing portfolio strategies. In this paper, we analyze stock crowding using network analysis of fund holdings, which is used to compute crowding scores for stocks. These scores are used to construct costless long-short...
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The emergence and survival of cooperation is one of the hardest problems still open in science. Several factors such as the existence of punishment, repeated interactions, topological effects and the formation of prestige may all contribute to explain the counter-intuitive prevalence of...
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Classical quantitative finance models such as the Geometric Brownian Motion or its later extensions such as local or stochastic volatility models do not make sense when seen from a physics-based perspective, as they are all equivalent to a negative mass oscillator with a noise. This paper...
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The proliferation of algorithmic high-frequency trading in financial markets has also led to an increase in new types of fraudulent activity. Since the flash-crash of 2010 first brought it to popular prominence, layering or spoofing fraud has become a major concern for financial regulators...
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