Showing 51 - 60 of 18,017
Para el caso colombiano se han analizado de manera amplia losefectos de la quiebra y la fusión de las instituciones financieras; sin embargo,no se contaba con un estudio microeconométrico para determinar los determinantesde este tipo de operaciones. Este documento se concentra en...
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Expected returns and risk assessment are important issues when evaluating capital investment projects. We use VARX-MGARCH models and asset pricing theory to model the expected rate of return in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru for late 2006. The main objective of this paper is to present an...
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El sistema financiero colombiano ha sufrido cambios importantes en las últimas décadas. Un período de expansión seguido de una profunda crisis económica repercutieron de manera importante en la estructura y concentración de este mercado. Se ha analizado de manera amplia el efecto de la...
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El sistema financiero colombiano ha sufrido cambios importantes en lasúltimas décadas. Un periodo de expansión seguido de una profundacrisis económica repercutieron de manera importante en la estructura yconcentración de este mercado. Se ha analizado de manera amplia elefecto de la quiebra...
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We apply specifications of the random parameters stochastic frontier cost function model to estimate bank efficiency. This class of model appears to resolve the long standing problem of confounding inefficiency and heterogeneity. Mean cost efficiencies from random models are higher by as much as...
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This study examine the long run as well as short run relationship between China’s macroeconomic factors such as industrial production index, imports, exports, inflation rate and interest rate and Shanghai Composite Index and to explore which macroeconomic variables have significant influence...
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We propose two tests for the equality of covariance matrices between two high-dimensional populations. One test is on the whole variance-covariance matrices, and the other is on offdiagonal sub-matrices which define the covariance between two non-overlapping segments of the high-dimensional...
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The aim of this paper is to use an econometric model for the period (3/1/2000- 31/12/2016) in order to examine if a (Μ&Α) affects the share prices of eight big US acquiring banks. GARCH analysis will be thus used on daily data. Some advantages of GARCH models will be explained
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To enrich the debate about the fiscal effectiveness of sovereign wealth funds, this paper explores the effect of sovereign wealth funds (more precisely sovereign oil funds, SOFs) on the government spending in real term and as a share of GDP. First, we evaluate the relationship between the...
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To enrich the debate about the effectiveness of sovereign wealth funds, this paper explores the relationship between real government spending and real oil export revenues for a sample of six countries. This exploration uses an econometric analysis based on time-series data and its purpose is to...
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