Showing 39,201 - 39,210 of 39,215
Many job posts require one to display emotions specified by organisational standards. Such work is referred to as emotional labour (EL) and consists in producing particular emotional reactions in contacts with a customer as well as suppressing the actual emotional reactions that could be seen...
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This paper proposes a new approach to estimate task prices per efficiency unit of skill in the Roy model. I show how the sorting of workers into tasks and their associated wage growth can be used to identify changes in task prices under relatively weak assumptions. The estimation exploits the...
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Our research is devoted to the investigation of theoretical aspects of human capital formation through human potential migration redistribution and investment process. This topic was chosen because in the modern conditions human potential development becomes one of basic factors of the...
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Die berufliche Geschlechtersegregation am deutschen Arbeitsmarkt hat sich im Zeitverlauf als ein relativ beständiges Muster erwiesen. In den letzten Jahren haben sich – mit wenigen Ausnahmen – nur geringe Veränderungen in der geschlechtsspezifischen Zusammensetzung einzelner Berufsgruppen...
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Das deutsche Verarbeitende Gewerbe hat im internationalen Vergleich ein hohes Lohnstückkostenniveau. Im Durchschnitt waren die deutschen Lohnstückkosten im Jahr 2018 um 15 Prozent höher als in den 27 Vergleichsländern. Der Kostennachteil Deutschlands gegenüber dem Euroraum belief sich auf 9...
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Combining weekly productivity data with weekly productivity beliefs for a large sample of truckers over 2 years, we show that workers tend to systematically and persistently overpredict their productivity. If workers are overconfident about their own productivity at the current firm relative to...
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This paper develops a dynamic model of schooling and occupational choices that incorporates personality traits, as measured by the "big five" traits. The model is estimated using the HILDA dataset from Australia. Personality traits are found to play an important role in explaining education and...
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Studies on the effect of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on the export of the manufacturing industry, as disaggregated into the low-, medium-, and high-technology intensity, were lacking. However, the trade impact of ICT is mixed and relies on countries' development and adoption...
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The study aims to analyze the modalities of vocational training in rural areas in order to identify systematic contents that are relevant to define the perception of the general role of continuing vocational training in the economic and social development of rural areas, the functions of...
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This paper introduces the AI Generated Index of Occupational Exposure (GENOE), a novel measure quantifying the potential impact of artificial intelligence on occupations and their associated tasks. Our methodology employs synthetic AI surveys, leveraging large language models to conduct...
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