Showing 174,221 - 174,230 of 187,867
including stochastic volatility models. A robust hedging strategy avoids any losses as long as the realised volatility stays …
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Wir verwenden eine neue, auf der Burr-Verteilung basierende Spezifikation aus der Familie der Autoregressive Conditional Duration (ACD) Modelle zur ökonometrischen Analyse der Transaktionsintensitäten während der Börseneinführung (IPO) der Deutsche Telekom Aktie. In diesem Fallbeispiel wird...
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We show that there is strong evidence of long-range dependence in the volatilities of several German stock returns. This will be done by estimating the memory parameter of the absolute returns with classical log-periodogram regression as well as by employing the tapered periodogram. Both...
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output volatility and its link with government size. Two separate strands of the literature are surveyed: cross …-section studies confirm that countries with large governments tend to enjoy less output volatility, but also that there may be a … show, however, that the country has recently experienced an important reduction in output volatility, despite probably …
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This paper contains three useful contributions: (1) it collects a new data-set of electronic transaction data on soybean futures from the Dalian Futures Exchange in China that records, not only the usual elements of each transaction (such as price and size) but also identifies broker and...
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comparing the short-term (i.e. month-to-month) volatility of New Zealand's exchange rate to other economies, on a trade …-term volatility out of the economies included in the analysis. Factors that affect the expected relative return on New Zealand dollar … Zealand and other countries, relative growth performance and attitudes to risk. More fundamental drivers such as export …
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