Showing 71 - 80 of 45,805
In attesa dello schema di decreto attuativo della Legge n. 42-2009 sui costi standard delle prestazioni a carico del Ssn, CERM propone un esercizio di benchmarking interregionale che potrebbe suggerire alcune modalità di implementazione. Si selezionano le cinque Regioni italiane a statuto...
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Questo Quaderno presenta la prima release del modello SaniRegio per l'analisi la spesa sanitaria pubblica nelle Regioni italiane. L'analisi delle differenze regionali evidenzia quanta parte della spesa possa trovare giustificazione, da un lato, nelle caratteristiche demografiche, economiche e...
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Questo Working Paper risponde a due quesiti: 1) Quale distribuzione di risorse tra Regioni emergerebbe se i 106,4 miliardi di Euro del Fsn-2011 fossero ripartiti in maniera tale da riconoscere, su tutto il territorio nazionale, i medesimi rapporti di fabbisogno pro-capite tra fasce di età che...
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Le applicazioni dell’ICT in sanità sono note con il termine sanità elettronica o e-health che indica tutto ciò che è legato alle tecnologie informatiche e di telecomunicazione e alla medicina. Le soluzioni e-health in Italia includono sia strumenti per le amministrazioni e i professionisti...
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Gifts are often used where the institutions of contracting do not exist, or are underdeveloped, as in emerging markets, or otherwise unenforceable, as with illicit transactions in developed markets. The following is an analysis of gifts in the context of belief preferences with unobservable...
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Although President Obama and the Democratic Congress were able to pass landmark health legislation, their efforts to reform health care ran into predictable political roadblocks. In a severe recession, taxing business and labor is obviously not helpful to economic recovery. Moreover, an array of...
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Despite surviving a number of threats, President Obama’s health care law remains harmful, unstable, and unpopular. It also remains vulnerable to repeal, largely because Congress and the Supreme Court have granted each state the power to veto major provisions of the law before they take effect...
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In this study, we document the effect of food stamp access on adult health care utilization. While the Food Stamp Program provides one of the largest safety nets in the United States today, the universal nature of the program across geographic areas and over time limits the potential for...
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The difficulties that Medicaid beneficiaries face accessing medical care are often attributed to the program’s low reimbursement rates relative to other payers. There is little evidence, however, as to the actual effects of Medicaid payment rates for providers on access and health...
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We analyze the financial performance of a hypothetical portfolio of 120 mRNA vaccine candidates in the preclinical stage targeting 11 emerging infectious diseases. We calibrate the simulation parameters with input from domain experts in mRNA technology and an extensive literature review. We find...
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