Behavioural aspects of customers' preference for participation banks : evidence with Turkish data
Tolga Ergün, Hüseyin Dağlı
Participation banks (PBs) are distinct from other banks in that they operate on an interest-free principle. This study aims to investigate the behavioural aspects of individual customers who prefer PBs when choosing a bank. The study covers 12 regional levels throughout Turkey determined by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT). A multidimensional measurement model has been created that can measure the behavioural aspects of PB customers. In line with the maximum likelihood calculation technique due to normal distribution of collected data, the question of whether or not the measurement model is compatible with the data set has been tested using methods of Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. As a data collection tool, the survey form is used and survey form data for a total of 440 customers are analysed. According to the results of the study, it is determined that attitude, social influence, religious sensitivity, experience, accuracy, awareness, trust, benevolence and cost factors are determinant in the transformation of behavioural intentions into actual behaviour when customers choose PBs. Among these factors, the factors that best explain intention are benevolence, attitude, social influence and accuracy, whereas with the cost incurred in banking transactions, traditional and social media ads directed at PBs have a relatively lower ability to explain behaviour.
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Authors: | Ergün, Tolga ; Dağlı, Hüseyin |
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Istanbul business research. - Istanbul : Istanbul University Press, ISSN 2630-5488, ZDB-ID 3098557-2. - Vol. 51.2022, 1, p. 95-122
Subject: | Participation banks | Bank customer | Customer behaviour | Exploratory factor analysis | Confirmatory factor analysis | Konsumentenverhalten | Consumer behaviour | Bank | Faktorenanalyse | Factor analysis | Türkei | Turkey | Beziehungsmarketing | Relationship marketing | Bankgeschäft | Banking services | Kundenzufriedenheit | Customer satisfaction |
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