Do intrinsic rewards matter for real estate agents?
Purpose: Rewards’ management has long been used as a panacea to promote job satisfaction and labour retention. However, the relationship between these variables is not clearly defined in the real estate industry, due to the scarcity of empirical studies. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the role of both satisfaction with intrinsic rewards (SIR) and satisfaction with extrinsic rewards (SER) on job satisfaction and turnover intention in the real estate industry. Design/methodology/approach: Using a sample of 220 employees from the three largest real estate agencies in Portugal, the study analyses a conceptual framework and tests hypotheses by using partial least squares (PLS), along with importance-performance map analysis (IPMA). Findings: Results indicate that both SIR and SER have a positive impact on job satisfaction. However, SER has a stronger impact on job satisfaction. Satisfaction with rewards and job satisfaction are negatively related to turnover intention. Job satisfaction mediates the relationship between satisfaction with rewards and turnover intention. Results also show gender and age differences. SIR is more important for women and younger agents. SER has similar importance for men and women, but higher importance for older agents. Research limitations/implications: Findings of this study extend the existing literature on rewards satisfaction and turnover intention to the context of the real estate industry. They present a contribution to the current debate on extrinsic vs intrinsic rewards for this particular industry. Practical implications: Following the results of this research, real estate managers should consider intrinsic rewards because they also play a role for job satisfaction and turnover intentions. Human resource managers should consider identifying employees’ needs and motivations and then implement adequate strategies to promote their job satisfaction because it plays a mediating role between satisfaction with rewards and turnover intention. Reward strategies should also consider gender and age differences by giving women and younger agents more recognition, responsibilities and other intrinsic rewards because they are important for their job satisfaction. Originality/value: Previous studies on real estate agents rewards appear to have only focussed on extrinsic rewards. To the best of the knowledge, this is the first study to analyse the effects of SIR on job satisfaction and turnover intention in the real estate industry. Also, to the best of the knowledge, this study is original in the use of IPMA to detect gender and age differences.
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Mosquera, Pilar ; Soares, Maria Eduarda ; Oliveira, Daniela |
Published in: |
Journal of European Real Estate Research. - Emerald, ISSN 1753-9269, ZDB-ID 2468173-8. - Vol. 13.2020, 2 (27.06.), p. 207-222
Publisher: |
Emerald |
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