• Table of Contents
  • Abbreviations and Acronyms
  • Executive summary
  • 1. Introduction
  • 1.1 Overall objectives and scope of the evaluation
  • 1.2 Structure of the report
  • 2. Eastern Partnership youth window – background
  • 2.1 EPYW context
  • 2.1.1 Funding and expected outcome
  • 2.1.2 Quantitative results
  • 2.2 EPYW Objectives and priorities
  • 2.3 EPYW - Implementation of the programme
  • 2.3.1 Decision-making process
  • 2.3.2 Beneficiaries
  • 3. Methodology
  • 3.1 Structured evaluation approach
  • 3.1.1 Sampling and selection of the projects
  • 3.2 Evaluation Questions
  • 3.2.1 Specific objective 1: Evaluation of the ongoing regional programme Eastern Partnership Youth in Action Window
  • 3.2.2 Specific objective 2: Recommendations for design of a future regional EaP Youth Programme
  • 3.3 Evaluation tools
  • 3.4 Data gathering challenges
  • 4. Answers to the evaluation questions
  • 4.1 EQ 1 – On relevance of the EPYW
  • 4.2 EQ 2 – On young people with fewer opportunities
  • 4.3 EQ 3 – On nature of youth work
  • 4.4 EQ 4 – On sharing good practice
  • 4.5 EQ 5 – On commitment and capacities for EaP regional cooperation
  • Evaluation of the Eastern Partnership Youth in Action Window – Draft Final Report Page 4 of 934.6 EQ 6 – On procedures to ensure efficiency
  • 4.7 EQ 7 – On monitoring
  • 4.8 EQ 8 – On effectiveness and impact
  • 4.9 EQ 9 – On ownership
  • 4.10 EQ 10 – On sustainability
  • 4.11 EQ 11 – On unintended effects
  • 5. Conclusions
  • 6. Recommendations
  • Annexes
  • Annex I: TOR
  • Annex II: Literature and documentation consulted
  • Annex III: List of persons/organisations consulted
  • List of persons met during the Field Phase
  • Annex IV: Case Studies
  • Case Study I: EVS Caravan – Georgia
  • Case Study II: Rural Youth Entrepreneurship: Traditional Crafts – Armenia
  • Case Study III: Formal + Non-Formal = Impact – Moldova
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