• Kurzfassung
  • Abstract
  • Contents
  • List of figures
  • List of tables
  • 1 Introduction
  • 1.1 What is a home service?
  • 1.2 What is a sustainable home service?
  • 1.3 The case studies of Berlin and Kleinmachnow
  • 2 Local conditions for sustainable home service provision
  • 2.1 The housing market in Berlin and Kleinmachnow
  • 2.2 The socio-economic framework in Berlin and Kleinmachnow
  • 2.3 Summary: Local conditions for sustainable home service provision
  • 3 Sustainable home service providers
  • 3.1 The housing organisation as home service provider
  • 3.2 Public, commercial and non-governmental as home service providers
  • 3.3 Institutional arrangements for home service provision
  • 3.4 Summary: Sustainable home service providers
  • 4 Strategies for better sustainability performances of home service portfolios
  • 4.1 Strategy I: Making popular home services more sustainable
  • 4.2 Strategy II: Making sustainable home services more popular
  • 4.3 Summary: Strategies for better sustainability performancesof home service portfolios
  • 5 Annex
  • 5.1 Sustainability Assessment Tool
  • 5.2 Good Practice Service Profiles
  • 5.3 References
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