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This paper explores the relationship between sovereign risk and banking risk during the European sovereign debt crisis in May 2010. We link banks’ stock returns and CDS rates to sovereign CDS rates, to examine the spillover of sovereign risk to the banking system in the EU. More specifically,...
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Using data on Indian banks for 1996–2008, the article examines the interconnection among credit growth, bank soundness and financial fragility. The analysis appears to indicate that higher credit growth amplifies bank fragility. Besides, the results point to the fact that sounder banks...
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Economic integration on the EU banking markets is expected to favor competition. However no study has been performed in the 2000s showing this trend. In this paper, we aim to fill this gap by measuring the evolution of bank competition in all EU countries during the 2000s with the Lerner index...
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Although the worldwide growth in dollarization of bank deposits has recently slowed, it has already reached very high levels in dozens of countries. Building on earlier findings that allowed the main cross-country variations in the share of dollars to be explained in terms of national policies...
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Deteriorating public finances around the world raise doubts about countries’ abilities to bail out their largest banks. For an international sample of banks, this paper investigates the impact of government indebtedness and deficits on bank stock prices and CDS spreads. Overall, bank stock...
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This paper analyzes the impact of deregulation and market integration policies on the structure of European banking markets. It argues that whether European integration will lead to large increases in EU-wide concentration will depend on the extent to which competition in banking is based on...
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This paper investigates the effect of technical change on the costs of banking firms operating in 11 Central and Eastern European countries using Fourier-flexible cost function specification for the period 1995-2002. A common cost frontier with country-specific variables is employed in order to...
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We revisit the public banks debate, survey the theoretical arguments and test the robustness (and expand) the existing empirical evidence. While we find some support for the view that public banks do not allocate credit optimally, we also report indicative evidence that they exert a positive...
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We examine a vertical integration decision within the commercial banking industry. During the last quarter of the 20th century, some community banks reduced their traditional reliance on correspondent banks for upstream products and services by joining bankers' banks, a form of business...
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This article provides empirical evidence of behavioural responses by banks in the recent crisis. Using firm-specific balance sheet data, we construct aggregate indicators of systemic risk. Measures of size and herding show that balance sheet adjustments have been pro-cyclical in the crisis,...
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