Showing 1 - 10 of 33
Introduction -- Technology in Service Management -- Theoretical Foundations -- Study A: The Impact of Technology on Frontline Employees’ Process Deviance -- Study B: A 360-degree View of Technology Deployment -- Study C: A Dyadic Study on Employees’ Technostress and Customer Responses --...
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1 Introduction -- 2 Conceptual Background -- 3 Method -- 4 Study 1: A Service Robot Acceptance Model: Customer Acceptance of Humanoid Robots During Service Encounters -- 5 Study 2: A Cross-Country Comparison of Attitudes toward Humanoid Service Robots -- 6 Study 3: Beyond the Call of Duty: The...
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Motivation -- Relevance -- Overall research design -- Structure of the dissertation -- Goal and structure -- Service-dominant logic as a research lens -- Service systems as a unit of analysis -- Frontstage service technology adoption -- Conclusion and summary -- Goal and structure -- Towards a...
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Einleitung -- Competitive Intelligence -- Grundlagen des Lebensmittelhandels -- Marktanalyse des Kochboxen-Markts -- Wettbewerbsanalyse -- Ableitung möglicher Strategien -- Konzeption geeigneter CI-Produkte für Marley Spoon -- Vorstellung der CI-Produkte -- Gain und Pain Points der Use Cases...
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Claudia Lehmann explores service productivity from the providers, customer and operations perspective in the German airport industry using a solid empirical foundation. Available service productivity concepts, methods, measurements and their ability to overcome the emphasized problems are...
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The Laboratory of Real Estate -- Reconsidering Firm Innovativeness -- Firm Innovativeness in Service Industries: A Construct Validation in the External Environment and Industry Structure Contexts -- The Impact of Organizational Slack on Innovative Work Behaviour: How do Top Managers and...
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From the resource-based view to dynamic capabilities -- Dynamic capabilities for service innovation -- Introducing data-driven service innovation -- Identifying actors and challenges -- Exploring actor roles and capabilities -- Towards a dynamic capability framework for data-driven service...
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Dienstleistungscontrolling: Alles anders - oder doch gleich? -- Dienstleistung und Controlling – schillernde Begriffe der Betriebswirtschaft -- Bestandsaufnahme der Literatur des Dienstleistungscontrollings -- Entwurf der Konzeption des Dienstleistungscontrollings -- Analyse des...
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Food-related Challenges of Modern Society -- The Concept of Food Well-Being -- Internal and External Influences on Food Well-Being -- An Integrated and Holistic Approach Towards an Improved Food Well-Being.
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Einführung -- Humorvolle Kommunikation: Humor aus kommunikationstheoretischer Perspektive -- Identifikation des psychologischen Wirkmechanismus von Humor in der persönlichen Kommunikation zwischen Anbieter und Konsument im Kontext von Service-Fehlern und Service-Recovery -- Analyse der...
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