Showing 1 - 10 of 15
This book considers ethical issues arising in professional and business settings and the role of individuals making decisions and coping with moral dilemmas. It starts by elaborating on critical thinking and on normative ethical theories, subsequently presenting the structure and cinematic...
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Learn how to use stories throughout the agile software development lifecycle. Through lessons and examples, Agile UX Storytelling demonstrates to product owners, customers, scrum masters, software developers, and designers how to craft stories to facilitate communication, identify problems and...
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This book challenges the widely-held belief that popular narratives about business are invariably critical. It develops a more nuanced analytic model of private sector narrative and applies it to 63 recent narrative texts (movies, histories, biographies) produced in the US dealing with three...
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“The story in this book is compelling- a must read for students, entrepreneurs and practitioners alike. [Invest NI] supported Lead2Grow because we know the difference this programme can make to the small business taking part and ultimately the positive impact their growth can have on the...
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This book shares the learnings and perspectives of two pioneer women who waded the many challenges posed by multiculturalism and gender in one of the corporate environments more rigid and traditional in the business world: the energy sector in the Middle East. How they managed to create a growth...
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Industrie-Unternehmen publizieren ihre Geschichte(n) -- Dienstleistungsunternehmen publizieren Expertenwissen -- Die strategische Planung: Buchprojekte gekonnt einfädeln -- Die Umsetzung: Von der Manuskriptgestaltung bis zur Vermarktung. .
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Theoretisches Spannungsfeld: Narratologie und Konsumentenverhaltensforschung -- Ereignishaftigkeit: Von der Zustandsänderung hin zum Ereignis -- Die Wirkungsweise von Narrativen beim Rezipienten -- Transportation: Die unsichtbare Hand der Persuasion -- Erzählmotivation, soziales Risiko und...
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1. Einleitung -- 2. Soweit Geschichten tragen -- 3. Wie Geschichten wirken – Grundzüge narrativer Psychologie -- 4.Wandel und Stabilität in der Geschichten erzählenden Organisation -- 5. Alles begann in einer Garage. Gründungsmythen in der Unternehmenskultur -- 6. Identität, Diskurs und...
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Die Revolution im Marketing – Warum Sie nun wirklich umdenken müssen -- Zielgruppen: Was Dich, mich und Deine Mutter unterscheidet – und wie Storytelling uns alle eint -- Die Macht des Storytellings: Die Geschichte in uns – It’s just history repeating itself -- Die Essenz der Essenz:...
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Introduction -- Stories in Organizations -- The "Storytelling" Method -- Areas of Application -- Evaluation and Efficacy of Storytelling -- The Storytelling Procedure -- Learning Histories - Application Forms in Scientific and Educational Projects: An Internview with Prof. Rik Peters, University...
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