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English Abstract: The Israeli Supervisor of Banks has two important mandates: Maintaining the stability of the banking …, the conclusion is that both powers should be handled by the Supervisor of Banks, subject to a few operational …
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Romanian Abstract: Articolul de faţă analizează principalele caracteristici ale proiectului privind înfiinţarea unei Uniuni a Pieţelor de Capital, aşa cum sunt ele prezentate de iniţiatorul proiectului, Comisia Europeană, şi de alţi autori care au studiat această temă. Analiza...
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investment) differ from country to country. In the modern view, Laffer's theory says that tax cuts stimulate the economy in … certain conditions and can bring greater public budget revenues, while tax increases may decrease in budget revenues if it … passes a certain level of endurance tax burden. In the classic view of David Ricardo, a deficit, a reduction of current taxes …
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Romanian Abstract: Derularea profitabilă a oricărei afaceri presupune printre multe altele necesitatea unei organizări riguroase, atât la nivel structural, cât şi procesual, precum şi un sistem Pornind de la aceste considerente, în cadrul cercetării doctorale ne-am propus să...
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In the paper there are presented the main negative effects of the world crisis revealed by the analysis performed in SMEs, there are references to some approaches at the international level, and there are formulated some solutions to combat the crisis and relaunch the SME sector in Romania.
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Romanian Abstract: Acest articol abordează două probleme de mare actualitate pentru societatea noastră, cheltuielile cu protecţia socială şi pensia pentru limită de vârstă. Obiectivul declarat al studiului îl reprezintă analiza corelaţiei existente între cheltuielile cu protecţia...
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English Abstract: According to the Public Interest Theory, the objective of regulation is for the purpose of maintaining and promoting public interest. However, in reality, the regulator does not always understand his task. He may use poor judgment in the prioritization of his goals; not act...
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<p dir="rtl">תקציר בעברית: מורכבותם הלשונית והתוכנית של המסמכים הבנקאיים מובילה לחוסר שוויון אינפורמטיבי בין הבנק לבין הלקוח ויוצרת מכשול חמור בפני לקוחות המבקשים לבצע...</p>
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the bank a Fiduciary Duty. This vacuum was filled by the Israeli courts, which imposed on the banks a broad fiduciary duty …
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Romanian Abstract: Sub egida globalizării şi internaţionalizării economiilor, procese realizate sub impactul presiunilor financiare în care se mai fac resimţite efectele crizei economico - financiare, fiecare ţară, organizaţie, entitate şi chiar individ în parte, trebuie să...
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